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2 Completely Different Thoughts – Set and Hit
Paul Wilson
on September 19, 2017
Tags: golf backswinggolf downswinggolf follow throughhow to work on golf swing
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
8 Responses to “2 Completely Different Thoughts – Set and Hit”
September 20, 2017
Paul WilsonSeptember 20, 2017
RaymondCHASTELA very useful and to the point video lesson ,Paul:something to think about and practise again and again .I add to your proposal an intaking breath at the top of the backswing to help mark the transition ,then I fire the lower body with the belt buckle and right instep.Going back ,I try to have the maximum extension while remaining flexible , stretching the left arm but not letting it becoming taught.
September 20, 2017
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Interesting. I will have to try that next time out. Not sure if that will work or not but taking a breath does take time which may slow people down.
September 20, 2017
Very useful tip. Today I followed this and my shots were on fairways majority of the time. Just reinforce your method I used the thought process of Set and Turn as there is no hitting involved in powerless arms.
September 20, 2017
Paul WilsonVenu,
Glad you liked it. It is a different way to think. So many people aren’t thinking like this so they are not even in position to come down.
September 25, 2017
This gets to an issue in your teaching method I either am not properly understanding, or involves “individual differences ” that needs to be accounted for.
I have been following your method for almost two years, and have learned great deal, but until recently still have had inconsistent results. I remained confused about whether the back swing and the down swing are effectively “joined together”, or are two separate pieces. This most recent lesson seems to come down on the side of them being two separate pieces. However, I recently discovered something which brings me down on the opposite side. I discovered that when I employ every other aspect of your teaching, particularly the torque of my upper body as the means of initiating my backswing, but I also make that torque and my backswing so full and forceful that my wrists cannot be stopped from fully hinging at the top of the backswing, they will naturally FLOW from that point into my downswing, and that is when I get the most consistent results. Although I can feel my wrists “setting” momentarily, If I try to “delay” at the top of my backswing, to consciously “set” my wrists, as you seem to do, it throws my timing off at least 50% of the time.
I have also noticed, from observing the pros, that some of them seem to keep their backswings and their downswings as two separate pieces, while others seem to join them together the way I have recently started to do. Could it be that there is an element of individual preference at play here, that needs to be accounted for? After all, Ben Hogan seems to have joined his backswing and his downswing into one flowing piece. Could it be that there are different, individual approaches to the “transition” that need to be accounted for?
May 5, 2019
In 2017, a golf buddy told me I had “a nice, compact swing.” He meant it as a compliment, but it troubled me a bit. I had my wife video my swing and I was shocked at how short it was, and it was incredibly flat. My driver wasn’t even getting to 45 degrees at the top, yet my shoulder turn was not bad. I chalked it up to old age (then 63).
Fast forward to 2018. I found a cool, red-shirted guy on Youtube. Bought the Body Swing and joined Ignition Golf. I recently took new videos and my position at the top is really good. I can see a gap between my left and right arms, hands in perfect position and up high, left heel on the ground, right leg flexed and loaded on the instep, 90-45-22.5-0 degree body ratio, swing is upright, and the club is nearly parallel to the ground. It meets most, if not all, of your criteria in Top – Checkpoints.
I’m still struggling a bit taking it to the course but this video talking about setting the club with the backswing will really help me since I have been too fast all my life. Slowly saying “Set the club” in my head is great mental moniker to get me going correctly.
Thanks for putting this one out there for us and thanks to my fellow IG-er for submitting the idea.
Being able to discuss our progress with you and get your direct feedback is what makes Ignition Golf so awesome. Keep up the great work! We all really appreciate it Paul.
May 6, 2019
Paul WilsonMike,
I’m glad you found me too. So many people out there need help and need answers. Some many people out there are also looking for a quick fix which is not how to build a great swing. As you see it takes understanding, time and effort but once you get it the payoff is huge.