Width Stretch – Part 2

By | on December 6, 2017 | 4 Comments | Array


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4 Responses to “Width Stretch – Part 2”

  1. December 6, 2017


    Great tip Jeremy. Would you have a drill for right shoulder. I had some physical therapy not to long ago for some tingling going down my left arm . They had me doing the drills laying on the roller. Also the one in the doorway. I think it may have hurt my right shoulder because now it hurts to reach behind my back with the right arm. The tingling quit in the left but now the right just feels soar. It doesn’t keep from playing golf but if I am in my truck and reach back to the rear seat it hurts like heck.

    • Hi Burt,
      Great to hear about the recovery on the left side. Sorry about the right… reaching to the back seat is a classic symptom for a rotator cuff issue. Certainly that’s no diagnosis but I’d return to the medical professionals that did such a great job with your left side and have them help you with the right. The rotator cuff is a group of 4 muscles that originate from your shoulder blade and insert into the front of your humerus (arm) bone. The doorway stretch may have irritated the tendons associated with those muscles. My guess is you have pain at the insertion point. Besides contacting your medical team, I would suggest ice and rest. Here are a couple older videos I did for Ignition Golf also…
      Go to the 1:32 mark of this video: https://ignitiongolf.com/flexibility-rotator-cuffs/
      Here’s another that’s a bit more advanced if possible 58sec – 2:12: https://ignitiongolf.com/advanced-rotator-cuff-program/
      Best of luck,
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. December 6, 2017


    So clear, concise and helpful.


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