Weak Side Hinge Training

By | on January 25, 2023 | 5 Comments | Array


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5 Responses to “Weak Side Hinge Training”

  1. I am a left-handed golfer but I am right dominant (right handed in everything else) resulting in my right side trying to dominate my swing. I am acutely aware of this and one of the things I have done in order to focus on my left side is to stop wearing a glove on my right hand and I have found that it helps. This “Weak Side Training” seems ideal suited to helping strengthen and focus on my left side. Do I need to do any modifications to the training or is “as-is” good to go? Any other suggestions would be welcome.

    • Hi Christian,
      This is probably a better question for Paul, but from my ‘anatomy’ and ‘functional exercise’ brain I would think with your situation (swing from the left but right hand dominant) that trail side throwing would be a good thing for you. Think of setting up like a normal golf swing, but hold onto a small ball (tennis ball) and throw it against the ground so it bounces off the ground, hits the wall and then comes back to you, repeat. This will give you that trail side acceleration from your non-dominant arm. You’ll probably feel like a fool at first but adding that trail side coordination and speed could be a great attribute to your situation. This is where swinging from the right side with a right handed player comes easy… that throwing ‘side-arm’ from our childhood is well coordinated and strong already… for you it will be a weak point. Good luck!
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. Jeremy ,I train with various training aids ,OF which the SUPERSPEED STICKS from MIKE NAPOLEON .In his training protocol ,you swing the sticks ( Clubs ) 5 Times right to left ,then 5 Times left to tight .With the three clubs ,GREEN ,BLUE ,RED ,This means 30 swings ,OF which I do two sets ,total 60 swings .After getting accustomed to swing as a lefty ,you find with much surprise That the Swing Speed ,as measured by the Radar ,is not That much lower when done with the weak side .
    It does benefit YOUR regular swing to train the both sides .
    The principle of the SUPERSPEED CLUBS is underspeed / OVERSPEED .

  3. January 25, 2023


    Hi Jeremy,

    I’m lefthanded but I play right-handed golf.

    Should I practice these swings with my right arm?


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