One Thing You Can Do When You Are Waiting

By | on May 2, 2022 | 5 Comments | Array


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5 Responses to “One Thing You Can Do When You Are Waiting”

  1. Excellent advice ,Paul :when I play with my wife and THE group in front is slow and behind ,she keeps fidgeting and commenting on THE players “”Look at how this lady takes her Time to put ,she thinks she’s at AUGUSTA ..ETC,ETC”
    I never look at THE players in front ,I try to keep loose with practise swings as you show ,I take deep contr

    • Raymond, sounds like you are thinking the right thoughts for one of THOSE rounds. Keep having fun.

  2. July 30, 2013


    I took lessons from you and Paul with a group of guys from Atlanta. We had the lessons in late March. Are you still doing the video golf lessons? Let me know if you get this. I’ve sent you a couple of emails.


  3. September 13, 2019


    Thank you ,Pete ,for posting this excellent advice once more time .I commented on it 6 years ago ,and what I said still holds .
    I just have to add that getting the club higher in backswing is one of my major préoccupations .Probably from nervousness or impatience ,I always have the tendency to shorten my backswing ,which throws off my tempo and reduces the ball’s flight .
    One key thought on which I work is therefore to TURN more my shoulders :this automatically makes me rise the club higher and stabilizes my tempo .
    I tell to myself :TURN, LIFT ,FLAT (clubhead horizontal at the top) .
    When I do so my swing gets near perfect and the ball flies high ,far and straight .

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