Top Down and Through

By | on January 25, 2024 | 9 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

9 Responses to “Top Down and Through”

  1. January 18, 2017


    Paul ,
    I “trigger “exactly as you say ,pushing off my right instep.
    Then recently’ I refined on the trigger by pushing forward as hard as I could with my right hip ,at the same time trying to bring the right elbow as close as possible to my body in the downswing .The result is a clear gain of 10 MPH measured on the SSRTT .
    This modification came after I played on the course with a young Italian girl (Good looking!) who was a mere 5 feet 5 tall and quite slim :she was also very flexible ,had a beautifully timed and smooth swing and sent the ball miles away .
    She however had a tendency to pull the ball ,due I assume to the strong “push “of her right hip,more a “push” than a “rotation” .You have to combine “push “and “rotation ” to send the ball straight.

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      January 18, 2017

      Paul Wilson


      That’s a great increase. I keep telling everyone it comes from the legs and hips. She was hitting with arms as well as lower. This was sending her over the top.

  2. January 18, 2017


    Hi Paul,

    Having played a long time trying to ‘hit’ the ball, doing ‘nothing’ with the arms is a difficult concept for me because, when I try to swing easy and do ‘nothing’ with the arms, I usually don’t get full stretch in the right arm at your ‘release point’, even if I go to a correct finish position. Not, I admit, that I was getting full stretch when I was ‘hitting’ with arms either.

    A helpful realisation I made recently was that, while the left arm goes from straight in the back swing to bent in the follow-through, the right arm has to go from bent to straight (at least for as long as possible). This has helped me to get a wider arc in the swing, but then I find myself doing ‘more’ with right arm.

    Do you have any words of advice to help square relaxed arms with still being fully-straight?


  3. January 19, 2017


    Hi Paul
    Do you also still consciously try to think about keeping your head back behind the ball on the downswing or do you just rely on the legs firing hard to tilt your body back?
    Best wishes

  4. January 19, 2017


    Paul ,When you go in THE thru swing should your spine be slightly bent forward or should you straighten up ?

  5. July 11, 2019


    Paul, is there a swing thought to help complete the backswing? What I find is that if I think about making a full backswing, with no thought at all about how to proceed after that, the downswing just happens. I do not plan on it, anticipate it. or have any swing though about what initiates it. These seems to work for me. Of course the other thing is to pause at the top.

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