Thinking Too Much

By | on February 26, 2024 | 17 Comments | Array


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17 Responses to “Thinking Too Much”

  1. August 19, 2014


    Hey David – great tip and the video quality on this was super. I continue to benefit tons from your mental golf tips. Keep ’em coming

  2. August 19, 2014


    Hi Dave,
    This is a really good tip. I have already tried it in my living room and i like it.

  3. August 19, 2014


    Greetings Coach So good to see and hear you again / once again great tip my question is i have two swing thoughts “Coil and Touch ” ok or too many /Your thoughts /Would you relay a message to Paul say thanks for the shank tip i hit several chips resting back on my heals and it made the difference / stopped the invader /Ask him if hitting chips from back on the heals from now on would be ok / I hope one day i can shake both of your hands and say thanks / but until then THANKS DAVID AND PAUL

    • August 20, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you are doing well. Shanks are not good. Pretty soon you will end them forever.

  4. August 19, 2014


    Hi Dave!
    There is a pretty common phrase on all golf courses, which is: “Man I am too stupid for this game!” When I hear this I just reply: “No, you just try to be too intelligent for thais game!”
    Thanks for that great explanation of what a thought does in our system!
    I wish everybody would just go and see your wired-to-win program! It puts everything together!
    Keep going

  5. Very interesting lesson from you ,Dave :other golf psychologists on the web promote ” UNCONSCIOUS ” golf ,without any explanation whatsoever .You’ve done it :many thanks !
    Do you really mean you should avoid any swing thoughts whatsoever ?
    When I swing ,I concentrate on my tempo,counting in my head ,So not to go to fast in the backswing .
    Would you advise not to count at all ,and let it go ?

  6. October 4, 2014


    Hi Dave:
    I definitely think too much with several swing thoughts during the swing but can’t seem to shake them. Any suggestions? As a kid I used to pick my target and go, but the last few years I paralyze myself. Herb

    • October 4, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      This works great:

      How to Pull The Trigger:

    • October 8, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      Hi Herb!

      Pretty common issue. The mind just keeps on going when you don’t need it.

      My first suggestion is off the golf course.

      1. Meditate (1,000 places ob line to lean)
      2. ?Learn to become an observer of your mind rather than attached to it. Thoughts are not you—they are separate from you—unless you are attached to them—then they ARE YOU!

      Do NOT argue with them or try to MAKE THEM LEAVE—this only makes it more difficult—they will get louder and more persistent.

      Letting go really means DETACHING from them—once you realize they are just thoughts—they will slowly dissipate–otherwise you can try a bunch of tips and gimmicks—and usually see sporadic results. What I’ve written here is for longer term success. Most golfers look for quick fixes and that’s exactly what they get—a quick—and short term “fix”.

  7. October 5, 2014


    Thk’s. I’ll give it a try.

  8. September 21, 2016


    Dave and Paul

    Love your stuffGuys!!!

    Dave you are suggesting to keep thoughts to a min of1?

    Can you group thoughts into 1 thought to simplify? I.e can the thought of coiling = back to target/thumbs at ears/ arm not locked ?



  9. August 27, 2018


    Very interesting. I am anxious to try it out.


  10. Dave, I’m curious how the experiment would have turned out if you had asked each runner to think about how they were running…arm swing, foot plant, breathing, etc….as they ran (something related to what they were doing). Probably the same result; definitely more convincing.


    • Bill.

      Thank you for your comment.

      However, no…that suggestion would not have been as effective for the simple reason that it is harder to “control”. We have no idea what they are really thinking about in your example. With the math—it is easier to know if they are trying to figure it out while running

      Those results were QUITE it got the important message across very easily.


  11. David, I you ever have the chance, I’d love it if you could repeat this experiment but have the runners think about their running rather than an equation. Just curious how that would turn out.

    Bill Freeman

    • Avatar photo

      March 11, 2024

      Paul Wilson

      Hello Bill, thank you for your questions.
      I’ve sent your questions to David via email. Hopefully he gets back to you soon.

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