Take Out The Trash

By | on October 16, 2017 | 3 Comments | Array


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3 Responses to “Take Out The Trash”

  1. November 14, 2012


    I like the analogy of taking out the trash and I have plenty of it to throw out. It may be gimmicky, but I am half tempted to put some small paper bags in my golf bag and every time I start thinking negative thoughts or question my ability, get the paper bag out, get my negative or questionable thoughts into the bag and throw it out at the nearest tee box. I have also heard wearing a rubber band around your wrist and then snapping it when you have bad thoughts is another way to stop it

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      November 15, 2012

      David Breslow

      Hi Randy,

      If I may point out–careful of those “judgments” (you listed several in another post and here)–I only mention it because they will also keep you stuck in circle 1 (see my reply from “Do you get it?” video).

      Yes, the “rubber band thing” is useful to many so if it works for you–“gimmicky” doesn’t really matter does it?

      Play great golf!

  2. January 20, 2015


    Greetings Coach I think i understand just want to be sure should we do the “taking out the trash”each time we start to get negative or when some major melt down starts to overtake us? THANKS

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