How To Stop Crossing the Line

By | on March 12, 2013 | 11 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

11 Responses to “How To Stop Crossing the Line”

  1. March 13, 2013


    Great lesson Paul. Is this the same for all clubs (including the longer/flatter plane ones like Driver; Hybrids etc)?

  2. Thanks ,Dear Paul for this instructive video .However I do think the “flaw” you signal has not one single origin ,e.g. pulling the club back inside during the backswing .I have this flaw (I told you so some time ago on the REVOLUTION Golf website )
    It doesn’t seem to harm my ball flight as the flight of my ball is always pretty straight whatever the club I use ,even the driver so I must be compensating somewhere .I train with alignment rods ,a mirror ,a highway cone 2 feet out from the right foot (I have to go outside the cone going back ),but I nearly always cross the line except when I “Force “myself not to do so ,by looking at the mirror while swinging back .
    I suppose I am “over-rotating “the upper torso and shoulders ,but I do so to have more power and sped in my swing .What should I do in your opinion ?

    • March 14, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      I don’t think I have ever met anyone who crosses the line who is not pulling the club back with the stronger hand. I guess it could be done if you did a one-piece takeaway to halfway back then immediately over-rotated the shoulders. If this occurred the arms would be too deep inside at the 3/4 back point. So regardless of whether you pull the club back or not with this hand the club is too deep at 3/4 therefore this is a fix you should be trying. I did other tips with other fixes that were posted on RG.

      Here it is:

      Crossing the Line:

      I thought of this new fix a few months ago so I thought I would post it. If you are crossing the line you should be working on all of these things to find what works for you.

      • Looking at the video you recommended ,(I saw it previously when you showed it on REVOLUTION GOLF ),I believe I am in the second category of the three causes leading to “crossing the line “in the backswing.I’ll work on it as you suggest .I’ll let you know if I have managed to cure the defect !

        • March 15, 2013

          Paul Wilson


          Yes, you should be working on this because you are saying that you are having trouble hinging it at the top. This being said, I know you are using your right hand which is what I said yesterday.

  3. March 13, 2013


    I’m 66 years old and just getting back to playing golf after fighting prostate cancer for 15 years. I have lost significant muscle mass and tire easily so imagine what I thought when I saw your first video? I am now drinking the Paul Wilson “Kool-Aid”. I can’t wait for the weather to get warmer so I can get to the range and start using what your are teaching. Thank you for your dedication to the game and devotion to making golf easier for all of us!


    • March 14, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      Glad to have you on board. Look at the lack of strength as a good thing. The less strength you have the less you will want to keep whacking at it with your arms. Have this thought when you are hitting the ball “I want you to be the weakest person in the world with your arms and the strongest person with your legs.” This is what a little kid has to work with and as you know, they learn very quickly and look good swinging.


      Take you time and stay focused on building a great swing. It will come and as you start feeling 100% you will play some great golf.

  4. I have followed your instruction and now start my backswing “outside the line “.Looking into the mirror and the window pane behind ,it seems to have cured the problem :I don’t cross any more the line .Let’s see now if it works also on the golf course

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