Standing Decompression

By | on June 28, 2023 | 6 Comments | Array


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6 Responses to “Standing Decompression”

  1. Excellent set of exercise. It is also helping me to get relief from my sciatic nerve pains

  2. How many reps per session? How often per week?

    • Even though this exercise can be ‘fatiguing’ in a way, it’s not a classic strengthening exercise based around muscle growth via classic fatigue and stress through reps, rest and multiple sets. I admittedly love this exercise for my body and what I think it needs. I may not succeed consistently but I do try to do this exercise or a few others that are similar once every day or as needed if I’ve been stooped over at the desk, in the yard or over a golf ball too long. My dachshund does something similar just instinctively everytime he wakes up. I guess that could be our guide 🙂
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. Jeremy ,Wouldn’t it be better to do those exercises lying straight and flat on your back ,or better,on a foam roller ?

    • This exercise is about gaining postural muscle endurance which you won’t get by lying down, but I often times start on a foam roller to get my spine ready for this exercise.

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