Short Game Stability

By | on December 21, 2022 | 11 Comments | Array


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11 Responses to “Short Game Stability”

  1. April 20, 2013


    Any emphasis in/through the glutes or through the knees? Thank you!

    • Hi Craig,
      My main priority is “overall” balance and stability with these exercises. Paul would be a great resource for you to answer more specifically where you should put an “emphasis” regarding such things as set-up and weight transfer with your short game. You could definitely incorporate his short-game teachings into these exercises. I’ll pass your question onto him right now.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. You show the BOSU BALL device .There are several BOSU BALLS advertised :the BASIC ,the 55 cm,,the TRAINER HOME VERSION :
    Which one should I buy?

  3. Hi Jeremy

    Can you comment on the contribution of roller blading practice to balance?



    • In-line skates are a great form of dynamic balance training. Balance, proprioception, speed, power and strength are all involved. Sounds like a great way to cross-train to me. Leg strength and balance are essentials to a solid base for the golf swing… this would be a fun way to develop that. In San Diego there is a famous guy that Rollerblades in slow-motion along the Mission Beach and Pacific Beach boardwalk… his nickname is Slow-Mo. Check him out. I believe he’s a retired neurologist. Not sure if he golfs but he’s quite a sight. Google him!
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  4. Sound balance in the full swing is also essentiel .
    Do you train it the same way ?
    I remember you gave other drills for the full swing ,the ” leverage “involved by the extended club creates inbalance to a greater extent

    • Hey Raymond,
      Balance training is great for every aspect of athleticism… how you do it can change depending on what specific movement you’re trying to improve. Full swings, half-swings and short-game training can all be worked on while on an unstable platform. The more unstable the more you need to think about the safety of the movement… I certainly wouldn’t ask anybody to do full swings on a Bosu Ball. Be creative and feel free to share it with the group if you have something good.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  5. August 21, 2014


    Thanks Jeremy.

  6. September 3, 2020


    When you refer to the short game what shorts are you talking about?

    • Hi Peter,
      No specific shots in mind here… just a new way to think about training. This kind of training is great for when your instructor might ask you to make changes for specialty shots your body isn’t used to. It’s nice to have the body ready for those times.

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