Set Up With the Back Hand

By | on December 10, 2013 | 13 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

13 Responses to “Set Up With the Back Hand”

  1. December 11, 2013


    Excellent lesson Paul,It ‘so important to be the correct distance from the Ball.
    One of my first teachers showed me the same position ,and sp

    • December 12, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      If you are taller it makes sense that gravity would affect the club more. I just like the more upright swing so you coil better and stop blowing it right. I would stick to this distance from the ball.

  2. December 11, 2013


    not the right place for this question, but I am too lazy to look for appropriate tip reference. I am wondering what are your thoughts on “Tour Striker” supposedly designed to force one to hit down. forward shaft lean etc. The ads also claim better lag and contact, a little pricey at around $99 but have seen prices as low as $79 commercially and $49 on EBAY. I doubt I really need it though, I have a pretty decent short game already.

    • December 12, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      The TS gets you thinking of impact. Impact is not the widest point of the swing arc. The release point after impact is the widest point. This is is one reason I do not teach impact. I want you setting Point A the top of your backswing and swinging through to Point B the follow through. If one correctly the ball gets in the way. So I do not recommend this training aid.

      How to Release the Golf Club:

      Why The Shaft Is Leaning At Impact:

  3. December 11, 2013


    Interesting tip Paul. I had a habit of gripping my club fully, then taking off the left hand and using the right hand to set up, with the left hand being added back in at the end. One concern I had is that I might be opening up my shoulders using my method, which, as I think about how you demonstrated the setup in this tip, I probably was, at least on setups where I was not thinking about it.

    As always, useful instruction.

    Best regards.


    • December 12, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      Sounds like a wasted step to me. You should always start from an open set up then squaring it as you get ready to hit. This way you are never closed. If you are closed you will use your arms to pull the ball back on target. You want to keep the arms turned off and power the swing with the legs and hips so I would be very careful that you are not closed when you set up. Try it this way and you will get used to it in no time.

  4. Avatar photo

    December 11, 2013


    After viewing you I watched some pros setup on the Golf Channel. Everyone of them used the right hand. I tried it outside in the back yard and if is very comfortable and very repeatable. The less thinking the better for me. I am at least starting to look like a pro!

    • December 12, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      Nice. I like it when people look like pros. I don’t think I have seen anyone who looks like they can shoot 65 shoot 95. Every person I have seen who looks like they shoot 95 never shoot 65.

      Keep at it. Your scores will start dropping in the future.

  5. December 12, 2013


    Paul,From one of your comments above ,I understand you do not recommend a slightly closed stance at address.
    However ,if you want to put a slight draw on THE ball ,this is what I do from time to Time ,and it works.
    BEN HOGAN in his book showed a closed stance at address .
    Should it be avoided for THE reasons you give ?

    • December 13, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      I don’t want you to set up from a closed stance when you are trying to hit it straight. You know I am fine with it for a fake draw. I have done numerous tips on this.

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    April 5, 2019

    ALAN D.

    I’m new here and I’ve always done it wrong (front) hand first. I always wondered if I was altering my alignment but I never thought about starting with the back hand. I will start this method immediately.
    I notice you also place the back foot toward ball when doing this. Should I align the back foot with some point behind/even with the ball as well?

    • Alan,

      Welcome aboard. Great to have you.

      Yes, please start to do this. Pros either use the back hand and a few do the grip first in the air before lowering the club behind the ball. It will become a habit for you in about 3 practice sessions.

      Here is the setup routine:

      Learning the Setup Routine:

  7. August 25, 2019


    With a 7 iron, should the sole of the club be flat or toe up? Why.? Fabulous advice from you on this site. Walter

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