Putting – How to Feel the Throwing Motion

By | on January 13, 2023 | 13 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

13 Responses to “Putting – How to Feel the Throwing Motion”

  1. August 21, 2015


    Greetings Coach Thanks for the feedback it was eventful The day after i sent my guestion i played.I took the club in my right hand to address but not having your reply i did not know why only that you said to do it. When i got home your reply was there with the explanation .I went to the back yard with a club first in my left hand then my right and to my surprise for the first time i felt the difference between closed left hand open right hand. I know it’s not a big deal but an eye opener for me THANKS

    • August 21, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Very good. Watch pros on TV you will see 90% doing this. If they are doing it there is a reason and you should be doing it too. New habit so it will become part of your routine in no time.

  2. This tip applies to those players for whom the right hand is dominant in the putting action.In m’y own case the left hand is the dominant hand ,andI have to feel the back OF the left hand going for the target ,the right hand is a stabiliser and just goes for the ride and I “roll the ball” with the left hand .
    This is very peculiar ,because when I want to adjust a short or médium distance pitch ,it’s the right hand which has the ” feel “.
    I really don’t understand why the two MOVES are différent in m’y own case !
    When I throw a rubber ball to m’y big German Shepherd dog for him to catch it in his mouth ,I do it with the right hand also ,not the left .

    • August 21, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Yes, you can do back of the top hand too.

      Not sure why you like it. Just keep doing what works and what you like.

  3. August 22, 2015


    Hi Coach,

    I have always been a good putter. I regularly have stretchs where I hole in putts from 10-30 feet continuously for a number of holes to the consternation of my playing partners.

    One of my feelings I have when I am putting well is that of the putter shaft springing off my right hand index finger.

    I practiced your throwing motion action and it feels exactly same as my index finger springing action!

    What do you think ? Do you use all your fingers to throw or is it just the index finger ?

    • August 23, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      I don’t use my fingers. I feel the palm. You really shouldn’t have this index finger down the shaft. A lot of amateurs do this. No pro does this. It can contribute to this hand being too twitchy through impact. Sounds like you are a good putter though. I would wrap it around and feel the palm making the stoke if it doesn’t work as well go back to your way. If pros do not do this there has to be a reason. It’s up to you.

  4. Paul ,For most Golf “Putting Gurus ” (GEOFF MANGUM ,DAVE STOCKTON ,among others ) ,putting is a left handed game .Quite some of the best putters on the Tour have a “left hand Under “grip ,which would seem to prove the truth of this theory.
    But theories are only theories and no one knows for sure why you are or are not a good putter.
    In my own humble opinion ,the eyesight and the proper use of the dominant eye have a very important role in appreciating the distance to the hole and roll the ball on the right target line .
    I have added to my routine the “throwing action ” of the right hand you showed us ,just before I take my stroke .It does give me additional feel.

  5. There’s a good drill ,shown by LOREN ROBERTS ,where you put with only one hand on the handle (LOREN ROBERTS shows the drill with his right hnad on the club).I’ve included this drill in my training routine :I do it both with the right hand and the left hand .As I said in previous comments ,I do it better with the left hand than with the right hand .When you come back to the two handed stroke ,you have a better sense of feel. The video you revert to showing BEN CRENSHAW in action is very instructive indeed :he insists very much to the feel in putting.
    I see you have in this video a standard putter instead of the mallett putter you displayed before. Do you have a preference ?

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      March 18, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      I like a ping looking putter. Always have. I did try a mallet last year but now I am back to the ping type putter. It is really personal preference and what looks and feels good to you.

  6. November 22, 2018

    Stanley TBenner


    When you roll the ball towards your target you keep your eyes on your hands during the stroke. Correct? I’m just having a hard time connecting the two together. I tend to pull my putts to the left and that troubles me. I went putting today and practiced my 30-40 & 50 foot putts and then focused on my short putts. I wish I could make 50% of my short ones, but I don’t.


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      November 23, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      No, you are looking at the ball. You are imagining you have a ball in your hand. You imagine throwing this ball at the target. You can take your right hand off the grip. Make the throwing motion a few times then put it on and do the same motion. This will give you the feel for it.

      Also, pros are only 50% from 6 feet so it is in the numbers you are going to miss a certain percentage.

      I would check your alignment. I would think your shoulders are closed at address. Have someone stand down the line and check. Also, have them check your putter face so you know if you are on target or not.

      Once aligned have both thumbs down the flat surface on the grip they do the throwing motion. You need to be target oriented.

      Here is a drill for you too:

      DRILL: How To Make Short Putts: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-short-putts/

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