What To Do In A Pressure Situation

By | on July 10, 2022 | 10 Comments | Array


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10 Responses to “What To Do In A Pressure Situation”

  1. July 5, 2014

    Steven D

    Great tip, Pete. I’ve never found myself in a situation where I was under par. The closest I’ve come to that sort of pressure is when I have a makeable birdie putt. My brother’s advice was to think of it as a putt, not a birdie.

    • Steve,
      It doesn’t just have to be an under par score, it can be for your lowest round or a tough shot or tough playing conditions, etc.. It is just for when you have that moment that you know you are feeling some pressure. The birdie putt is definitely a pressure situation.

      • July 5, 2014

        Steven D

        The way I’ve been putting lately, every putt is a pressure situation, Pete! Thanks for your reply.

  2. Pete, tomorrow I’ll try this technique on my hell hole. No matter how good I’m playing I get to the 17th hole and I find the same tree that shouldn’t even be in consideration. Hopefully this tip will help me to slow down and have a great shot t this troublesome par3. Thanks.

    • Harvey,
      I have my own “Hell Hole” and I do this on my tee shot every time I stand up to it. It definitely just takes the bad thoughts out of your mind for those moments and brings you back to the task at hand.

  3. July 5, 2014


    Thanks Pete, will give it a try.

  4. Pete ,The problem is that the slow practise swings are always very good ,but when you move into the “real”swing ,you just don’t repeat this slow smooth practise swing .
    Your inner self takes over!
    The best I have found in such circumstances is to tighten all my muscles ,untighten them,take a long deep breath ,blocking the breath to a count of 5 and let it go without thinking to anything !

    • Raymond,
      I would never try to tighten all my muscles out on the golf course, especially for a relaxation moment. The slow breathing or controlled breathing is a great thing. I just like this way, because I was always taught that the 3 best things to work on when you are in that “pressure situation” is rhythm, rhythm and rhythm. People under pressure get faster…faster you get the tighter you get.

  5. Hey Pete,

    What do you think of doing this every time as part of your preshot routine? It seems to work for me because every shot has a certain amount of pressure associated with it. Do you agree?

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