Power Leak Series – Grip

By | on January 26, 2024 | 19 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

19 Responses to “Power Leak Series – Grip”

  1. December 4, 2015



  2. December 4, 2015


    coach you show closeups of strong and weak grips in this video, but NONE of the actual neutral group you say is desired for power, why not?

    • December 5, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      This is not a tip about how to do the grip. It is a tip about how the wrong grip slows the club down. I have many tips on the grip on the site. Just go to the original site under SWING TIPS > GRIP or in the DASHBOARD under FULL SWING > SET UP.

      • December 5, 2015


        thanks for your response, instead of just stressing negative, you could have suggested see video # for the proper way to get the neutral grip, ending on a positive note, Douglas Maiko, M.Ed.

        • December 6, 2015

          Paul Wilson

          At 3:15 of the tip I said “you have to learn the proper neutral grip this means top hand see 2 knuckles. Bottom hand in the fingers and wrap it on top.” So I did mention how to do the grip. Surely, people know there are tons of tips on the grip.

          • December 6, 2015


            your right, but i like a lot of others who use videos for learning, learn by seeing, not by audio, a 3 second close up picture of the correct grip would have helped me and stephanie. Dont want to beat a dead horse, we have a difference of opinion for learning, Doug Maiko, M.ed.

          • December 6, 2015

            Paul Wilson


            This would have been an issue if I had never done any grip tips. There are 19 of them. Does it not make sense to go to the grip tip and watch exactly how to grip the club in detail instead of watching a 3 second picture of it. People have to learn how to use the site. That is what it is there for. I cannot give everything in detail on every tip. They would be way too long. So in the future if I reference something and you want more information find it on the original site or in the Dashboard.

  3. Sometimes it seems to much time is spent on what NOT to do and there is no final – “this is what you should do” – i.e. a nice close up of the correct grip…

    • December 5, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      This is because there are over 700 tips on the site and I probably covered it. If you want to know how do the grip just go to the original site under SWING TIPS > GRIP or in the DASHBOARD under FULL SWING > SET UP. I have tons of tips on the grip. There is no point showing it again making the tip way too long for most people.

  4. December 5, 2015


    With the proper grip as you show .the clubface is always square to the trajectory. OF the Clubhead ,And there is nĂ´ fading ,slicing ,drawing or hooking OF the ball .The Clubhead follows the centrifugal force with the face square .
    At one Time ,I had a strong left hand grip ( Three knuckes showing ) And a neutral right hand grip .
    The two hands DID not work together in unison.
    I Still have a tendency to do So ,if I’m not watchful .
    What are the drawbacks OF this ” flawed ” position OF the hands ?

    • December 6, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      I explained in the video that a strong grip will not allow for loose wrists otherwise you will hook it. Also, it can create an overcupped position at the top. This is why Hogan went to this grip. Long thumb means clubs is parallel to the fingers of the left hand which allows it to overcup. If it runs across the palm you cannot physically over cup.


      How To Stop Over-Cupping At The Top of the Backswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/stop-over-cupping-at-top/

  5. December 11, 2015


    I have watched your neutral grip video. The tip on how to do it wrong makes sense to me.

    • December 12, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Great. This series is pointing out these flaws. If you don’t know they are flaws why would you change.

  6. May 23, 2019


    An earlier tip had us hinging/releasing early to create hooks. After doing that, we corrected the shot shape by driving the hips/legs faster. Would the same fix work for a strong grip?

  7. Hi Paul,
    Great tip, its made me review the grip series 1&2, and i realised that as a (right handed player) my right hand is starting to slip down the club exposing the left thumb, so i going to correct this now!
    And what your saying makes prefect sense you call it a hinge, But i like to think of each hand as Half a ball and socket joint, and if each half don’t match perfectly it will not rotate.
    look forward to you tips
    malcolm parker (AUS)

    • Malcolm,

      It all starts with the grip. This must be neutral and perfect.

      Glad you caught this. Just put the grip on then hinge it up to your nose to check it every time.

  8. August 13, 2020


    Strange one, but what would be the typical issues with a weak left hand and a strong right hand grip? I tend to slip back into that kind of grip.

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