Power Distance and Consistency

By | on May 1, 2017 | 4 Comments | Array


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4 Responses to “Power Distance and Consistency”

  1. November 18, 2014


    Greetings Coach I always enjoy your “mental game tips”/ the last two rounds/ the last two rounds of the year up here in northeastern ohio by the way/ were two of the best no the best of the year / i used three thoughts at address /’POWERLESS ARMS/my swing trigger /”TURN THE BUCKLE” and “LESS IS MORE”/Im not really sure why it worked so well for me but it took my mind off everything just before starting the back swing/at that point the only thing i thought about was turn the buckle/ I actually think i felt the sensation less is more/ Thanks Coach/ For the next 6 months your tips and Pauls will be my only golf

    • November 18, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      Here is the reply from David:

      HI John!

      It is our great pleasure to be your “coaches”. it’s always great having responsive people like you reading and applying what we put out there!
      It “worked” because those commands got your mind out of the way so your body could do what you’ve trained it to do–SWING THE GOLF CLUB!

      During the winter–hit balls indoors and listen to WIRED TO WIN several times–as you know…it will impact you whether you hit balls or not.

      Be well my friend!

  2. November 18, 2014



  3. Excellent! I will remember this swing thought as I tense up during my practice and playing.

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