Old But Good Lag Drill

By | on January 31, 2013 | 6 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

6 Responses to “Old But Good Lag Drill”

  1. February 1, 2013


    Hi Paul,

    Could you explain the different steps needed to make great iron shots. From short irons to long irons.I have been slicing my balls lately and also lost alot of distance with each iron even when i do eventually hit the balls straight.

    Thanks and look forward to your reply.


  2. February 2, 2013



    Any worries that these drills will activate the arms too much? I’ve been working on your technique and don’t want to backtrack. Thoughts?

    • February 3, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      When you are working on certain positions you should be feeling your arms. Once you feel you have the position you turn your arms back off.

  3. Paul, what did Jack Niklaus mean when he said “I can’t release the club soon enough”?

    I really appreciate your work. Thanks


    • Avatar photo

      February 10, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      This is along the same line a Hogan saying he wished he had 3 right hands. This is where the power is coming from in the swing. This is the release. This release is connected to your body which is turning. It should be release because your wrists are loose not because you are trying to release it. Both of these players were faders of the balls so for them they could have the feeling of really releasing as hard as they could opposed to holding on a resisting (tightening).

      There is also a few lines where Nicklaus talked about being between clubs on a par 3. He chose to swing easy and airmailed the green then remarked that maybe he should swing easy more often.

      So is releasing it as they suggest a good thought for amateur players? Not really unless you working on your release and trying to cure slice spin. For everyday play, the thought should be too not hit anything at all (powerless arms and loose wrists). Their thought is an arms and hitting thought so it would best be avoided for the average player. Keep hitting with the arms and you are not changing anything so when do you ever stop hitting?

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