No Shifting or Bumping The Hips

By | on July 10, 2018 | 8 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

8 Responses to “No Shifting or Bumping The Hips”

  1. Paul ,You are perfectly right in proscribing the “shift ” or the ” bump ” forwards move :this idea was popularized a long time ago by great golfer COLIN MONTGOMERY in whom this move is obvious.
    (Not sure DAVID LEADBATTER didn’t say the same thing ).
    I myself did it regurlarly until you told me it was a bad idea .
    The intent of course is to get your weight onto your left leg while turning in the throughwing ,or getting your left knee just on top of your left foot.
    It may help to use this old tip of “kicking energetically behind you ” your left back cheek which brings automatically your weight on top of your left foot and dynamizes the rotation .
    My main idea when I swing now is to say to myself “hips and legs “when I start my swing :it does put the bottom flat part of my swing arc in the right place .

    • Raymond,

      Yes, Leadbetter too. He actually wanted you bumping going back too.

      Much better thought you have now. So many people being told to do that though.

  2. July 12, 2018


    As I understand it, the major reason for the hip shift or bump (similar to hip checking a car door closed) is that this move will help promote the club to be brought down from the inside. With the hip twist that you use, I have found that I sometimes still come over the top with my swing.

    • Jeff,

      I addressed this in the tip. Just watch the back of the ball as you do it. You cannot see the back of the ball if you are leaning forward.

      • July 13, 2018


        Thanks Paul, I obviously didn’t go far enough into the video before I posted. I do want to also say that, since I started using your system, my ball striking is much better and my approach shots are far more accurate. I’m hoping that as I use the system more and more, I’ll start seeing the increase in distance off the tee so that it doesn’t put pressure on the other parts of my game. Many thanks!!

  3. Hi Paul, sorry to bother you with a different subject matter but I’ve recently started ‘snap hooking’ my driver. I’m finding this so frustrating as it’s always been my favourite club in the bag. Can you recommend any specific drills to help with this issue please? I think maybe my arms are getting ahead of my body but not sure how to fix it. Many thanks! Love your site btw.

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