Modified Windmill

By | on October 5, 2022 | 5 Comments | Array


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5 Responses to “Modified Windmill”

  1. December 31, 2016


    Jeremy ,When you perform the “modified “windmill with the hand low ,at bottom end of grip level,you turn your shoulders on a tilted plane .
    In the “true ” golf swing ,as taught by “classical “golf teachers ,like PAUL WILSON (Though some -MIKE DUNAWAY for example -teach you the tilted rotation ,which I don’t do,it complicates the move ),the shoulders are supposed to stay level with the ground .So the low hand grip doesnt’ teach you the proper move ,you should instead keep the spine as straight as possible ,isn’t it so?
    In the one plane swing which I don’t do neither(My swing is two plane ) ,the shoulders stay perfectly level ,there’s no lifting of the body

    • Hi Raymond,
      Don’t mistake this exercise for a golf lesson. Modify it for you and your swing if you want to make it a specific move closer to your actual swing. In this video I was modifying another, more difficult, exercise to merely help you improve flexibility in golf-specific areas like the hips, lats and spine.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. December 27, 2018


    Jeremy , These are very effective exercises . I perform modified versions of these windmill exercises.Those you demonstrate are designed mostly to improve flexibility .I do the same moves but I hold the handle of a rubber band in each hand and :one arm pulls back as you do , the other keeps the handle of the other rubber band motionless directed to the table post and vice versa . I develop flexibility and strength at the same time .
    (The rubber bands are attached to a heavy table post at different heights .)
    You work on your speed at the same time

  3. December 27, 2018


    Jeremy ,Did you show already an exercise to work on the flexibility of your hamstrings :how to stretch them ,other than bending forward holding a table post low with the two hands ,one leg in extension the other straight down below your core ?

  4. September 22, 2021


    Very good exercise! Really seems to loosen everything up comfortably! Thx Jeremy!

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