Light or Heavy

By | on June 25, 2018 | 3 Comments | Array


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3 Responses to “Light or Heavy”

  1. November 3, 2015


    Nice one. Good for life as I am a naturally cautious person.

    One issue is finding a light feeling decision might be difficult in many situations including golf. For example I have a short par 4 11th hole on my course with OBs on both left and behind the green. I normally hit driver because changing over to a 3 wood just for that hole makes me feel uncertain (with both the swing and the distance left to the green and its OBs) as opposed to the driver which I already used several times that round.

    So the conclusion is that even though using a 3 woods sounds logical the driver is the one giving me a light feeling. Thanks.

  2. November 3, 2015


    One other comment. I have thought about taking up your offers for personal lessons as I am curious but I would say like most people it just feels too personal to be comfortable.

  3. November 3, 2015


    Very good suggestion ,Dave ,but I never have hesitations on a golf course ,barely more in real life .I’ll a watch pout next time to find out if I feel “heavy “or “light ” when I take a decision .
    If you’ve been in the Miltary Business ,as I was (Submarines ) you learn to make lighning fast décisions( Of course these are based on previous solid experience ).
    I would be several times dead with my sub crushed at the bottom of the sea if I had not taken immediate ,lighning fast décisions to avoid sinking .
    When I became later a top CEO ,I always realized that my first idea was the best,overthinking is to be avoided by all means .

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