Consistent Golf

By | on November 28, 2022 | 4 Comments | Array


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4 Responses to “Consistent Golf”

  1. November 13, 2013



  2. November 26, 2018


    Dave, I call myself a driving range golfer!
    Before a round, hit some balls to warm up, usually 8 iron, hybrid, and driver. Usually very satisfied with results. Then I hit maybe 30% off my shots as well as on the range.
    Once in a while I’ll have a round that I’m 10 strokes better than my avg, but not often enough. Suggestion?

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    November 27, 2018


    LINKS – “Find out more about my wired to win program,’ and “Pick up Wired to win here” do not work –
    only a blank window appears… and then any key pressed goes off onto unrelated and unwanted material….HELP

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      November 27, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      David had to go to the hospital about a month ago. I haven’t heard anything from him lately. I know he was okay but had to stay in there for a few weeks.

      I will try to find out.

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