Mental Game – Club Selection.

By | on January 23, 2023 | 6 Comments | Array


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6 Responses to “Mental Game – Club Selection.”

  1. There is a hell of noise in THE background ,probably jet blast ,and this very interesting Video is mostly inaudible .
    Dave ,could you please have it re done ,without THE unwelcome noise so we may benefit from your sound advice:all I got was ” Light” and Heavy” but there is certainly more to understand !
    When I am in this “in between clubs “situation ,I do two things :First I chose always THE first club number which Comes to m’y mind ,without any thinking and computing (Never have second thoughts in golf!)Second : I verify that it’s THE longest hitting club I have picked out.Nearly all golfers overestmate their distances ,and also ,at average golfers Level ,THE distance between two successive Iron golf Clubs is 7/8 Yards ,not 10 as most of them think .In any case ,THE thing to do is to go to THE driving range ,hit ten balls with each club and measure exactly THE distance to THE average point of each club .THE average golfer Will be very much surprised with his findings .

  2. October 1, 2013



  3. Avatar photo

    February 9, 2016


    Good advice Dave. I will try it. Feeling confident is the key for me. I, too, tend to agree that the longer club is the one for most of us amateurs, as Raymond suggests. That said, I then choke down a little on the longer club swing away with confidence. Works for me. Give me the most confidence, and thus better results,

  4. February 9, 2016


    Dear Dave ,A good suggestion from you. But what’s the deal ?There’s only 7/8 yards between two adjacent club numbers !
    Never have second thoughts :go with the first club you think of .And always take the longest club.No need to “choke down “,it changes your swing .Just go and hit it fast !

  5. Hi Paul, I´m a Portuguese subscriber for about 7 month, I thank You for the great drills, you have the best method to teach golf, I have greatly improved my game with your method, I usually do not coment the lessons but I wonder why did You stop the chekpoint lessons they help a lot

    • February 14, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      I didn’t stop the checkpoint lessons. On Friday’s I always post a past tip. I post 3 new tips of mine per week.

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