Broad to Narrow Focus Exercise

By | on May 29, 2023 | 4 Comments | Array


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4 Responses to “Broad to Narrow Focus Exercise”

  1. January 8, 2018


    Great idea, thanks!

  2. January 8, 2018


    Hit the target, not the ball.

  3. A very sound tip ,Dave, thank you .I was already using the “narrow ” target aim (a tree limb ,a church staple ,a specific marker on the fairway ,as recommended by BEN HOGAN ) You add another concept ,quite useful ,”BROAD TO NARROW “,like zooming in and out .
    I already use the other concept you showed”The BURNING FLICKING CANDLE LIGHT ” for putting ,chipping and short pitching :it works fine also .
    Using the directing eye also helps

  4. August 25, 2020


    Dear Dave,
    Your segment today brought back memories of coaching girls basketball. The concept of broad and pinpoint concentration. I will try to incorporate this technique into my golf shots.

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