Using Your Lower Trap for Rotation

By | on February 8, 2023 | 12 Comments | Array


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12 Responses to “Using Your Lower Trap for Rotation”

  1. February 14, 2013


    G’day Jeremy,
    I was never aware of those muscles. I guess they must not have been doing their job properly because I quickly knew where they were with your first lesson about the Lower Trapezius muscle.
    I liked the plank and gluteus muscle exercises. Keep the knowledge transfer coming it’s good stuff.


    • Thanks Ben. I appreciate the encouragement and I’m really glad to hear you’re doing the exercises.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. February 14, 2013


    Should you do this fine exercise with a weightless ball or ,as ,I do ,with a m

    • Hi Raymond,
      If you’re doing the exercise for movement re-education use a weightless ball; if you’re doing the exercise for strength use a weighted ball or tubing attached to the wall/door. Make sure if you use a weighted ball the the repetitions are JUST AS PERFECT

  3. Hi Jeremy

    Thanks for your answer about getting back into golf from a herniated Thoracic spine. I am only in the first stage that you recommended, chipping at home. The pain is still a bit there, especially when the therapist sticks his elbow in my back, trying to loosen up the muscles. Would this exercise that you demonstrate here be safe for me at this point?

    David Weinstein

    • Hi David,
      Check with your medical team to see if it would be appropriate for you. Keep me updated.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

      • Just to expand…Your medical team will have a much better idea of how you’ve responded to exercise and ranges of motion to this point than I would. Make sure you utilize your team while you can by showing them exercises or movements you’re interested in getting into and they will be able to get you moving towards those goals.
        Good luck.

      • Hi Jeremy

        Thanks. I have now checked and have have been told that this would be excellent for re-entering golf, along with your recommendations of a gradual process. Thank you again.


  4. November 16, 2017


    HI Jeremy,

    Great tip, thanks. I’m pretty flexible for my age and sometimes get too much weight on the outside of my back foot on the backswing. (Swaying) When applying this to the backswing what is the best way to prevent that? I try to keep the feeling of my belt buckle pointed at the ball but when I don’t consciously do that the sway can creep in.



    • Thanks Steve. Swaying is definitely a problem and can lead to back pain if you’re not careful. One of the best ways to stop swaying is to understand the anatomy of the spine. Your tailbone (sacrum) rests at the bottom of your spine. Your head sits at the top of your spine. Learn to take your backswing without allowing the pelvis to move laterally. This means your torso rotation (‘shoulder turn’) can still occur, your pelvis rotation (‘hip turn’) can still occur, your head can move a bit (to the backswing side), but your tailbone simply rotates in it’s original location. A mirror in front of you is the best way to do this at home.
      Best of luck,
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  5. Hi Jeremy,

    Is the resulting shoulder motion called “retraction”?



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