Lateral Stability with Rotation

By | on March 22, 2017 | 11 Comments | Array


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11 Responses to “Lateral Stability with Rotation”

  1. Awesome … can’t wait. Good stuff. The bridge workouts are helping a lot. As well as the lateral strenghening with the band.

  2. January 31, 2013


    I still maintain the rotational part is a simulated pivot. The lateral part is the takeaway: Do you agree?

  3. Hi Michael,
    The rotational part is definitely a simulated pivot. Coming soon is a video series on the “pivot” and the muscles essential to this pivot based on kinesiology and EMG testing of high level players. Furthermore, the lateral leap is to teach/test control during the backswing and downswing. The lateral portion is less about the actual jump and more about the eccentric control of the landing. Sometimes I work the ‘accelerators’ of the swing and sometimes I work the ‘brakes.’ The leap is about the ‘brakes.’
    Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  4. Dear Jeremy ,I don’ t dispute the interest of this exercise for stengthening and balance purposes .But for a exp

    • Hi Raymond,
      Read the description and watch the video again. Bear with me on the explanation. Even though the exercise shows lateral jumping, the ultimate goal of the exercise is to LIMIT lateral movement on the landing just as you mention in your question. I agree completely with you and Ben Hogan… we should absolutely limit our lateral motion in the golf swing. Having said that, when we exercise we have to stress that control with even more difficult circumstances like jumping. This exercise isn’t about the jump… It’s about the landing and how well we control ourselves laterally when we land. So I have to disagree with you… the exercise is for every golfer, especially the experienced golfer. If you learn to stick the landing and control yourself on one leg with this exercise you’ll have much less of an issue during your golf swing. Don’t pass this exercise up!
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  5. February 26, 2015


    Jeremy — I like all of your videos but have trouble integrating them into anything larger — they are a bunch of (really good) standalone exercises. Perhaps you could get with Paul and publish a recommended golf workout. (You could have a series of workouts based on experience level, amount of time available to workout, fitness level, etc.) I’m a mid 90s golfer with a goal of shooting 85 and I’d like to workout 30 to 45 minutes 5 days a week. Just my $0.02. Thanks!

  6. February 26, 2015


    (I want P90X for golfers!)

  7. February 28, 2015


    Jeremy ,The modelization of the Golf swing by PAUL is a spring(“The muscles”) coiled on axis (“the body”),with the arms being the string attached to the mass(“The club”).
    This simple and excellent model has been validated by Professor GRUBER of YALE UNIVERSITY who has written the differential equation of the movement and written the solution to it :it is backed up by measurements on real Top Pro’s ,High level Amateurs and Week End Amateurs .One finding is that the “Spring ” does not work as a steel spring,it has not a linear torque (Law of dimin’shing returns ,so turning back to the utmost in the backswing is of no real interest .
    Ths video you show goes in the same direction.It seems to me that he “Power of the Torque “has much to do with the power (Or speed of the legs ) ,more than to the “power “(or “speed”) of the hips and upper body .If you want to turn fast in the through swing ,your legs have to propel you fastest possible .
    Knowing this ,could you advise which group of muscles we should work on most to acquire better speed which is paramount to long driving ,from the most useful to the less useful muscles

  8. March 22, 2017


    Jeremy, this video was somewhat amusing for a guy just getting over a bout of stenosis.My balance has decreased quite badly and standing on one leg for 30 seconds is presently aerobic! Thanks for providing a lofty future goal!

    Ron Calabrese

    • Sorry to hear about the stenosis. This video is certainly not for everyone, including you right now it sounds like. Keep working on the rehab and stay positive.

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