Lateral Leap with Tubing

By | on December 13, 2023 | 8 Comments | Array


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8 Responses to “Lateral Leap with Tubing”

  1. April 24, 2014


    Thanks for this. I’ve been doing a lot of rotation exercises/ lower body stability (lateral heisman, etc) in the gym w bands and the free flow machine. Not sure if there is an area at my gym w tubing. Can exercise bands ( if they are long enough) work with this leap?


    Craig Smith

    • Hi Craig,
      Sounds like you’re doing great stuff. As for the “exercise bands” you mention, are you referring to rubber tubing? Just FYI, in the video above, the bands I’m using have rubber tubing inside of a covering that you might be able to see. It’s just a safety thing so if the tubing snaps it stays inside the covering. They’re called Slastix. Definitely let me know if you meant something besides elastic rubber tubing. I think that’s the best thing to use for the exercise, I just choose to use a different kind in case it breaks.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

      • April 25, 2014


        Hi Jeremy.
        I think they are technically “exercise bands” that I have. They are made by rogue fitness . I have three to different weights/tensions. They are a band so I can tie them to the hand rail on the free flow or to the handrail in the pool etc. I do have a swing trainer that is tubing w a golf handle. Anyways-I like this exercise so would be great to know some options for this in case I can’t setup the same gear. Thanks for your help! Craig

        • Hi Craig,
          I’ve been looking all over the Rogue Fitness website and can only find Monster Bands and a few other types but smaller. If you’re referring to a band that doesn’t have a handle just step inside of it (like a hula hoop) once you figure out how to attach it to something. That actually is the best way to do it… you don’t have to hold anything. If you step inside your tubing it should be around your hips/pelvis area. Step out until you feel tension on the band and start jumping… be careful, the stronger the tubing the more it sends you towards the wall! Good luck.

  2. As for the normal lat

    • Hi Raymond,
      I appreciate the question. I’m very glad you’re such a strong follower of Paul’s teaching. Please understand that this exercise is not a swing drill to encourage lateral movement. As for the lateral leap I’ll try to explain the benefit in two ways. There is concentric training and eccentric training in every exercise.

      Concentric: The jump, especially against the tubing as it stretches, is a plyometric fast-twitch trainer for the legs. Jumping is to encourage power development… because of the lateral nature of the leap it increases power from lateral muscles. There is some research that maximum jumping, like broad jump and vertical leap, has a direct relationship to driving distance. The golf swing looks nothing like either of those but the power and sequencing needed for the jump is similar to the power and sequencing needed to hit a ball far.

      Eccentric: The landing, especially as the tubing is pulling us back towards the wall, is for stability. As we land, our center of gravity is moving quickly and it’s our bodies job to “stick the landing” and not fall. That is a great training effect for golf. As weight transfers quickly in the swing we must be able to control it to limit the possibility of a sway or slide.

      Hope that helps.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

      • Thanks ,Jeremy ,for taking your Time to explain at length the rationale of this sideways leap .
        Though I see I AM aging ,your Lessons with those of Paul prove very b

  3. October 3, 2019


    Hi Jeremey, I just want to thank you for all the lessons. I have added your stretches to my daily routine and it has been just about life-changing. Once your back goes out, for example, as we all know you can’t do anything. I have really benefited from your hamstring stretches as well.

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