Add Some Interval Training To Your Workouts

By | on December 6, 2023 | 13 Comments | Array


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13 Responses to “Add Some Interval Training To Your Workouts”

  1. Dear Jeremy ,
    With THE proth

    • Sure… I would suggest for the current speed training you’re doing with the Swing Chain, etc that you do them for a set amount of time, i.e. 15-30 seconds and keep track of how many reps you can get in during that time. By doing it this way there is incentive and motivation to beat your last score. Furthermore, once per week I would change the way you use your bike and stepper. Try 20-60 second bursts for speed as mentioned in the video above.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

      • Jeremy ,Thanks for the advice on Exercise bicycle .I hadn’t thought about it .
        I ‘ll try to do it also with the stepper ,but it’s more difficult to acheive .
        Apart from the Swing Chain ,I exercise also with the TORSO BURNER which is a bar with a Swing Chain at both ends :the training consists also of bursts of speed during 6/8 seconds .Same idea with the TORNADO BALL :ten “bounces either way in 10 seconds .Fabulous for the Core .
        What is the thinking behind INTERVAL TRAINING ?Has it to do with PLYOMETRICS ?

        • Good question. Interval Training is a series of High Intensity exercises in or near the anaerobic threshold followed by rest or Low Intensity exercise all within the same workout. It’s meant to increase metabolic rate, cardiovascular fitness, and change lactate threshold. Plyometrics is an exercise type, based around the stretch reflex, that would be explosive in nature for strength and power benefit. The golf swing is an excellent example of a plyometric activity. So is jumping and throwing. So for example, you could include Plyometric Exercises as the High Intensity Training portion of your Interval Training workout. It’s a way to train like your sport plays.
          Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. Jeremy ;I have read on INTENET sites that “high Intensity Interval training =HIIT “though very effective to burn fat ,may be dangerous ,and some practitioners land in hospital .There are some programs around such P 90 ,Beach something ,etc .
    Would you disadvise adhering to such a program ,or just limit myself to a few movements of INTERVAL TRAINING as the ones you show and those I do already with the TORSO BURNER ,the SWING CHAIN ,the TORNADO BALL (These exercises are quite strenuous ! )

    • Raymond,
      I think what you’re doing right now sounds great. Exercise danger occurs when someone goes outside of their limits without close supervision from a professional. It’s the reason almost every medical professional or trainer, including me, mentions that you should consult a physician before starting any exercise program, including the specific programs above that you mentioned.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. September 3, 2015


    Greetings Jeremy What do you recommend as a good energy PICK ME UP to start the second nine ? I am 69 and in pretty good shape but about two holes into the second nine i start to get out of focus and loose concentration What say you THANKS

    • Hey John,
      Good question. I’d have to really look at your habits to understand your specific situation but here are a few general ideas.

      Hydration… I’ve read somewhere that even minimal dehydration symptoms start with a loss of focus and concentration before we even get the feeling of getting thirsty. Therefore, drinking water before your thirsty is essential. One of my colleagues has a large water bottle with lines on it. By the time 10am hits his goal is to have drank to the level of his first line marker on the bottle, by the time noon hits he tries to be at the next line and so on and so on. Get the idea? Drinking when your thirsty, based on my casual reading, seems to be similar to putting sunscreen on once your skin has burned… it’s too late! Prepare for golf like you would prepare for a day at the beach. We put sunscreen on before we expose ourselves to the sun… so let’s make sure we’re hydrated before we expose ourselves to activity.

      Food… no heavy food, sugar or drink at the turn. I’ve seen articles on loading up with “heavier” foods and sugars compared with levels of awareness. Awareness and mood quickly rise after eating then drops significantly below your baseline roughly 15 minutes afterwards. So, don’t treat the end of the 9th hole like it’s an excuse for lunch. As above with hydration, have things like bananas, nuts or highly nutritious bars throughout your round.

      As you can see, it’s not about a “pick me up”. It’s more about doing the proper things so you don’t need a “pick me up”. Prepare for that “typical” moment that you are struggling with later in the rounds by doing better beforehand. Take 4 bottles of water and 4 small, easy to carry, smart food items and make it a goal to go through them logically during your golf round.

      Stretching… have a few simple stretches or light activities you do on every tee box or while you have down time on the course. This keeps the body active and helps it recover in small doses.

      Hope this helps!
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  4. September 3, 2015


    Hi Jeremy. I’ve been biking 8 miles every day in 30 minutes. When going into the wind or somewhat up hill, I naturally slow down. Then I’ll increase my speed to 20 or more miles per hour for 15 to 20 seconds. Would this program be considered interval training?

    Thanks, Ron

    • Hi Ron,
      Great workout routine by the way. This would definitely be in the realm of general interval training. High intensity interval training, or HIIT, would be different. Short bouts of maximal exertion followed by a period of recovery would fit this definition; ie sprint training. Plyometrics, by definition, would be exerting maximal force with a goal of increasing explosive power, ie. jumping or striking. These terms and more tend to be clumped together improperly at times, me included admittedly, but I hope this helps give you a little understanding of the differences.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  5. September 3, 2015


    Hi Jeremy

    4 minutes sounds very short. Is this really the amount of time? I have a spinning bike and I follow some online instruction and the shortest spin classes are 20 minutes. What do you think of that and if you have any recommendations of an online spin class, please let me know.

    Also, since I have bad knees and cannot run, I rollerblade. I love this activity but I don’t really do any sprints. Any recommendation about roller blading and perhaps you could comment about the compatibility with golf, since one of your movements in this video looks like skating/blading.


    • I thought the same thing until I tried it. Dr. Mark Smith had me on the floor and I was begging for forgiveness after 4 minutes. I apologized and swore I’d never doubt him again. I think we all just have such a difficult time wrapping our heads around what we historically know of “fitness”. 20-30 minutes a day, 3-4x/week… it’s getting challenged and the findings can’t be ignored. Traditional? No. Try it if you’re willing and able. You certainly can’t have everyone do high intensity workouts… it may go against doctor’s orders for certain people which is totally understandable. Try an all-out sprint for 1 minute, rest 1 minute, sprint 1 minute and so on until you’ve reached your 4 minute total. If done correctly you’ll feel like it’s the longest 1 minute of your life during the sprint… that’s a long time when you’re sprinting all out. Think about going around the track at a full out sprint… that usually takes good runners about 1 minute. Do that 4 times! As we get older, we tend not to train this way, thus losing our ability to do it. This is just a way to bring it back. It doesn’t have to be the only way you work out but highly suggested 1x/wk I would think.

      Rollerblading – works quads and glutes (especially lateral glutes). I like the “skating” motion because it works on very golf specific energy translators within the hips. Golf needs that too. The legs and hips transfer energy from the ground to the torso and club.

      Check out these articles:

      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  6. December 9, 2019


    Hi Jeremy,
    Nice video… I appreciate the first link to the article by Smith 2008. The second link was not found. Of course it has been 6 years. Any references more current would be appreciated. BTW.. the definitive work on “Fat Loss” comes out tomorrow… How Not to Diet by Michael Greger. Warning… 500 pages with just shy of 5000 references. You can check out more on BTW I believe you know my FitGolf Instructor up here in Sacramento, Greg Johnson. It is nice to know that we have learned alot about training and “fitness” over the years. When I was playing basketball in the 1960’s we were taught not to lift weights as they made us muscle bound. The science can be overwhelming so I appreciate articles like Smith’s that provide both history and current thinking. Thanks for the tips. Happy holidays.

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