Grip The Grass

By | on June 5, 2018 | 13 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

13 Responses to “Grip The Grass”

  1. Great great tip. I am working on this every day. I used to roll over to the outside and had all kinds of trouble. Once I load properly it seem to me that my swing sort of automatically takes care of business and I am much more consistent.

    Once in a while I still revert back but those times are much less than they used to be.

    I watch my felllow golfers and most of them roll over. GREAT TIP!,

    • Glenn,

      Thanks, glad you liked it. Too many people sway. Almost everyone I see yet few are even talking about it. One teacher out there tells you to go to the outside. Mindboggling.

  2. June 5, 2018


    Hi Paul, Good tip and funny too! It is two fold tip! Thanks again, Keep’m coming!

  3. paul, in using the straightening the front leg as a trigger I don’t have a sense of pushing off. Is that causing less power and drive. If I think push off I often fail to straighten my leg. What do you think?

    • Joel,

      Not necessarily. This is just one of the triggers. A lot of people like this one especially if they are left handed or they have not been locking the lead leg. If you haven’t been locking the leg and this trigger helps you can do that until you are good at it then switch the instep. Totally up to you. You might not feel the instep because you are focused on the left leg. If you load properly to the instep this is what would be vital if you are using the left leg trigger. Keep in mind the trigger uncoils the lower body but they all have to happen no matter which on you choice. In your case the weight would be on it then come off as you trigger with the left leg even though you are not feeling it.

  4. This video is so timely!

    I just realize that Ive been overturning my hips in the backswing losing the tension of coiling. So last week I really worked on this keeping my knees towards the ball and feeling more of a stretch on my side.

    Already the ball is going farther and I overshot my first par 4 with my second shot! I’ve NEVER done that before :-/

    • John,

      Very good. This is a very important move in power. Whenever I teach it to someone they always hit it longer. So I’m glad you saw an increase in distance too.

  5. June 7, 2018


    Glad you did not have holes in you socks

    • Leo,

      Yeah no doubt. I just bought new socks not to long ago so I had no issue. I should have worn holey socks on purpose. That would have been funny.

  6. About 50 years ago ,JIM MC LEAN marketed a device to replicate this essential move :it was called the “PIVOT PRO ” .I don’t think it exists any more :I still have it ,but don’t use it any more as it helped me from the very beginning to ingrain this basic move .BEN HOGAN said that the reason he was so accurate with his shots was that his back leg didn’t move(or better shift) at all during the backswing

    • Raymond,

      Haven’t heard of that device. I just checked out a pic of it. Looks like a large sandal. interesting. You would feel foolish wearing it at the range but at home it wouldn’t be ball. You can also press a ball halfway into the ground to get the same effect and save money.

      Hogan was right. This leg is a huge key.

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