Gorilla Lift

By | on March 15, 2023 | 6 Comments | Array


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6 Responses to “Gorilla Lift”

  1. September 16, 2016


    Quite an unusual exercise to practise !
    I do the” touch your toes,legs straight ,knees not bent ” exercise ” which is quite different
    How many reps of the “Gorilla “exercise should you do?
    Is getting down on your back end ,arms stretching straight in front of you ,horizontal to the ground ,a similar exercise (Difficult not to fall back! Practise with the butt close to a wall !)

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      September 16, 2016

      Jeremy Klinkhamer

      Agreed. Unusual but perfect for a golfer. Muscles tend to fail, strain and tear when at their longest under a load. Golfing muscles are required to perform like this all the time. Sometimes because of a quick change of direction and sometimes because we have to maintain ‘odd’ angles for a long time. This exercise is more about maintaining those difficult positions, like hip hinge, for a long time to gain endurance and prevent injury. Here in the FitGolf performance center in San Diego I’ve been adding this to the sequence I showed you guys earlier: 1. Standing Decompression; 2. Lunge Stretch; 3. Founder; 4. Woodpecker… now this Gorilla Lift.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. September 20, 2016


    Hi Don. I enjoy your great tips and the stimulating way you use to show them. My problem is the choice among the wealth of exercises you offer, while practicing golf, playing and doing other things. So I find myself admiring each of your tips, trying them and not really pursuing anything long term. Is it possible for you to suggest a program, for, say 3 times a week sessions, which one could follow. You could then tell us which exercises to replace with your new ones. I realize that each of us has his or her own challenges (I am 73 years old), and we could adapt the program or you can help us adapt it to our needs

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      September 20, 2016

      Jeremy Klinkhamer

      Hi David,
      This is a tough one. In this kind of atmosphere you will need to look at this “wealth of exercises” as a library. Without being able to evaluate everyone of you it would be really impossible to recommend one over another. What I would suggest is to find 5-10 exercises you think fit your needs well and do them 3x/wk. As new videos come in, try them, see if they fit your needs and think about trading it for another once a new month starts. I like to stick with my routine for 1 month, then look to change things up (a lot or a little) once a new month starts. Having this growing library of exercises should be good for that. For example, my daily routine was Standing Decompression, Lunge Stretch, The Founder, The Woodpecker and the one above (Gorilla Lift). Then 3x/week I did a few kettlebell exercises for upper body, lower body and core. This month I’ve kept a few of those and adopted a few others just to keep my body guessing. Sorry for the general recommendation but if you ever want something specific for yourself feel free to reach out to me here in San Diego.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. September 20, 2016


    Thank you Jeremy. I do get some general guidelines from your response. Unfortunately. San Diego is far for me, but would you do an evaluation session on Skype or equivalent?

  4. October 18, 2018


    Not only does this seem like a great exercise. I was able to see how sloppy my set has become.

    Thank you


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