What Is Your Core?

By | on June 1, 2022 | 12 Comments | Array


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12 Responses to “What Is Your Core?”

  1. Hi Jeremy,
    Welcome and thanks for a simple yet direct approach to working our cores. Will be watching for more!

  2. Hi Mike,
    Thanks so much for the kind words. I’m so excited to be involved with Paul and such a great website! I look forward to sending more videos soon.

  3. November 29, 2014


    I think Joseph H. Pilates couldn’t agree with you more on the importance of a strong core and its benefits in many sports and recreations. It is understandable that the exercises you recommend on this website are geared for very specific aspects of the golf swing but do you also recommend Pilates’ exercises in general for overall strength and flexibility in one’s golf game? Seems like targeted exercises for specific segments of the golf swing may enhance performance but the benefits of a holistic approach developing all of one’s core would yield greater gains and not just in swing mechanics but also in strengthened posture, etc.
    Best regards,

    • Hi Austin,
      I agree completely. My only reservation to group classes, as Pilates and yoga often are, is that my clients often need specific areas of attention. Everybody, golfer or not, deserves to get evaluated properly by a functional movement expert. This gives a person a great road map for improved performance and injury prevention. Once a person understands their specific needs and then gets training for those specific needs the group classes will, at that time, be a fantastic way to get to a well-rounded workout. I never stop my clients from enjoying those classes, I just make it my mission to develop their knowledge and skill level to get more out of those classes. Many of us tend to do what we’re good at in the gym and on the practice range, but in reality once you know what you’re not good at and develop it to a level your proud of it can be a game changer both physically and mentally. Thanks for the post, Austin.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  4. February 5, 2015


    Hi Jeremy,
    I have been with ignition golf for several years. I am now working on pre-game stretching, core strengthening and stability. Do you have a pre-game stretching video or a list of pre-game stretching exercises?

    • Not yet on this site. I hope to have something like that soon. As a basic rule, think of things like jumping jacks, quick squats, swinging your arms and legs. This dynamic activity will increase blood flow and prepare your muscles for action. If you have a current or old significant injury that also needs to be a part of your individual routine.

  5. February 9, 2015


    Thank you.

  6. April 26, 2017


    Hi Jeremy, I liked your piece about the lower trapezes starting the turn back. I found it’s much easier to keep arms relaxed and concentrate on the core powering the swing. Is there a single muscle group that starts the through swing?
    Don Lochary

    • Hi Don,
      Glad you liked it. There really isn’t a ‘single muscle’ to answer your question. Biomechanics of the golf swing would suggest it’s a sequential pattern of many muscles working in proper order (starting from the ground on up). In general, the lead side lower body ‘pullers’ start the process. That’s difficult to state for one individual though because, as Paul knows, one golfer will ‘over use’ one piece of the body while the next golf you see ‘under does’ it. As a general rule of thumb, if asked from a kinesiology state of view, I would suggest hamstrings, glutes and abdominal rotators would be great things to concentrate on. Look back through my videos and find one called The Heisman and others that talk about pelvic rotation and dissociation skills.
      Hope that helps!
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  7. June 19, 2019


    Hi Jeremy and thanks for your excellent direction relative to golf fitness…Really enjoy your videos and thank you for keeping them simple and highly informative…Keep up the great work, we all appreciate it!!!

  8. June 20, 2019


    Like this one as we here a lot about core in the golf swing.
    Any suggestions for shoulder posture?


  9. Jeremy ,Is it better to hold the plank position a long time in one shot ,or to do several shorter répétitions successively ;I hold the plank position 120 s then move to another exercise then come back and do it a second time later,,then a third time ?
    I remember you showing this exercise with a variant ,kicking in one knee and then the other ;
    I play three times a week .What I feel after playing is the girdle of muscles below the armpits all around the top of the chest “swelling ” meaning the muscles there worked hard during the swing .Are these muscles part of the core and how do you train them ?
    And should they be working?

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