Forget the Zone

By | on June 26, 2017 | 3 Comments | Array


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3 Responses to “Forget the Zone”

  1. January 22, 2013


    Hi Dave When a person happens to find themself in the zone so to speak, what thing s can a person do to maintain that frame of mind for the remainder of the round. other than just not thinking about it.

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    September 15, 2013


    Yesterday I was in another zone. A zone crated by not having enough sleep the night before. I felt tired as soon as I started playing(same when the allergy season gets me) I had many 7’s and one 8 lots of three puts. Usually, I play well and feel healthy but yesterday ….not so good, I still had to continue playing and finish. The question is how do manage my game playing in kind of bad zone?

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      September 15, 2013

      David Breslow

      Hello Hermino,

      Good question and in this forum can only go so far with an answer.
      Being tired is challenging to overcome so the obvious answer is to get rest. There is no magic cure for not being rested. However there are breathing exercises you can use to gain energy and focus. I cannot explain them here but you can google breathing to find some.

      Otherwise, a “bad zone” comes from a “bad mind” since it’s all connected so the first place to look is within. Ask, “What am I thinking right now?” and you discover the reason for your “bad zone”. Yes…it’s that simple!

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