Flip Clock Exercise

By | on April 5, 2023 | 5 Comments | Array


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5 Responses to “Flip Clock Exercise”

  1. Jeremy ,I hadn’t seen this very useful exercise when you first issued the video .
    So my comment is late !
    “Powerless arms “have to be “Fast arms “also to speed up the swing .
    How do you speed up the arms without adding tension or “muscling” them .
    In the downswing ,what is critical to speed up the club ,when the club is still cocked backwards and “recocking “, and the downswing starts is the speed at which the right elbow goes down to the right side .
    Paul says he just lets the right elbow “fall” by gravity .
    I’m sure you can speed up the downward movement of the right elbow .
    Question :how to achieve it without tensioning the arms and right elbow !
    Pretty tricky!

  2. December 31, 2015


    I see again this very effective exercise ,Pretty good to loosen up YOUR shoulders And YOUR hips And work on coordination .
    Jeremy ,DID you show how to work on the hip flexors in YOUR previous vidéos ?
    I understand they are very important ,both in Life And in playing golf .
    If I lie down ,sideways ,legs stretched ,And I raise the top leg ,do I work on the HIP flexors ?

    • Hi Raymond,
      The exercise you’re describing will not effect the hip flexors… if I understand the exercise you describe above correctly you would be strengthening the lateral upper thigh (hip abductors, ie gluteus medius) and lengthening the medial thigh (hip adductors, ie groin).

      In the following link at the 1min 30sec mark is a great hip flexor stretch:

      Also, the basic bridge is a wonderful way to open and lengthen the front of your hip which is where the hip flexors (ex. iliopsoas, rectus femoris) are located.

      Another way is to do a standing or sidelying quadricep stretch. As long as your lower back doesn’t arch excessively, you will stretch your hip flexors.

      To strengthen the hip flexors, you would need to lie on your back and slowly lift and lower a straight leg (rather than lie on your side as you described). Just make sure to keep your abdominal muscles contracted.

      Happy New Year,
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. Jeremy,
    This can be a great exercise to loosen things up. I found that it is easier to go one direction than the other. I just wanted to point out that I almost gave up on this because I wasn’t able to just let my arms fall and have it happen like you did. My left shoulder muscles were too tight to start from the top when learning. The way I got it was to start with my arms straight out at the 3 and 9 o’clock position and work up from there. So, just like the golf swing, I had to take half swings first to get the motion down. I hope this helps someone else to keep trying because it is a good exercise for warming up.

    Thanks for the tip,

  4. Hi Jeremy,
    Boy This is a struggle to learn! Could you post a slo mo?

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