Feelings Series – Top of Backswing

By | on October 4, 2014 | 10 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

10 Responses to “Feelings Series – Top of Backswing”

  1. October 5, 2014


    Your presentation is very helpful Paul. It is very helpful to have a 3 way reference point for each segment of the swing. Visual, verbal and aesthetic.

  2. Hi Paul;
    After watching this tip I noticed that your hips are turning less than mine when I reach the top. Yours turn 45 deg. Is it possible to turn your hips too far? Far enough that would actually cause a flaw? At the top of the swing, my belt buckle is probably at 70-75 deg. instead of the 45 you show in your swing. I stretch quite a bit so I’m pretty flexible, but because I can do it doesn’t necessarily mean I should, is that correct? Thanks.

  3. October 6, 2014


    Hi Paul. Have been waiting for the “top of the swing” feeling tip so very pleased to finally have it. Just two questions. From the three quarter back position to get to the top do you feel you are lifting your arms to the top unlike them going passively to the three quarter point. This is the feeling I have but not sure if it is me tightening up as I get to the top and preventing me form completing the back swing fully. Secondly, is the final setting of the wrists at the top a passive event caused simply by the movement of your shoulders and arms or is there some active assistance. For me it seems to have to be active to get fully set.
    I almost can’t believe the improvement in my chipping since using your technique. Have stopped worrying about yipping, duffing, flubbing and all the other sins and just concentrate now on club selection and landing point on the green. Great technique under trees and off difficult lies. Lots more up and downs happening. Wonderful.
    Looking forward to my visit in November.

    • October 6, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      I do feel the lifting but I have done it for so long I really don’t dwell on it. If you have had a flatter swing you need to manually lift it until you train it to do up there on its own.

      The wrists should be hinging because they are loose. Again, this is something you need to work on to train them to hinge to their maximum. Once you do, they will go to this max hinge all the time. This takes about 2 weeks to master.


      3 Ways to Set The Top of the Backswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/backswing-top-3-ways

      That’s great you got the chipping. It is a huge relief when you know you are going to have a chance (and most likely will) get it up and down when just off the green.

      November should be fun. I love the fall schools.

  4. January 21, 2015


    Hi Paul,

    Do you believe in the X-Factor(separation between shoulder and hips) theory? Apparently the greater the amount of separation, the more torque you create thus causing us to get more power in our stroke.


  5. hey Paul
    Im having trouble with my right arm breaking to much at the top of my swing (leftie)
    I am like you big thru the chest and for the life of me can not get the arm near straight
    any tips on how to help this?
    Many thanks

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