DRILL: How To Feel Torque In Your Backswing – Part 2 of 2

By | on May 24, 2012 | 11 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

11 Responses to “DRILL: How To Feel Torque In Your Backswing – Part 2 of 2”

  1. Hey Paul….I find wanting to tilt too much more on my higher lofted clubs and wedges in particular b/c they are so much shorter. Should the barstool feel of almost standing upright apply to these clubs as well? I’m guessing you’ll say Yes? 🙂 Thanks and good luck with the new site!!

    • You guessed right. This is tougher because the clubs are shorter. So make sure the angle in your wrists changes as you go to these shorter clubs. There will be a lot less angle. Be careful when setting up to these clubs. I don’t want you standing straight up and down. It just feels like you are.

    • The stance and wind up – both 1 and 2 – both sososo good. Just what I needed to hear and see. And what a difference right away! And yes I’m closer to the ball. This is one of my favorite lessons, no doubt. Thanks Paul. I am going to the course right now.

  2. Paul,
    Regarding torque and uncoiling, Does the right foot play an active role in uncoiling (push off) or does it all come from hip rotation.


    • Personally, I drive from the right instep. I feel this foot dig in and I am pushing my weight in a circular motion to the left. If you want to try it this go right ahead. Just make sure you are still ending up with the legs touching and balanced perfectly on the very tip of the right toe.

  3. February 20, 2013



    I know you want rotation of the shoulders to create torque on top and you talk about tightness of the left side but what about using tightness of either the right trapezius muscle or left glute? To me I feel those more when I rotate than my left shoulder which can be tight with just an arm swing.

    • February 21, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      If you are coiling properly and this is what you feel then keep feeling it. Most people who cannot feel the left lat as I suggest is not coiling properly. They are moving the lower body too much. So double check the resistance in the lower body and the shoulder rotation. If it is good and your shots are consistent with good sound quality, keep doing what you are doing.

  4. February 1, 2014


    Another great tip, love it Paul, thanks

  5. January 27, 2020


    This is a classic golf tip. I have seen many instructors say to feel like you are sitting on a bar stool, including Hogan himself, but I have never seen anyone say why. To connect it to facilitating the turn is really unique and why you are so good at understanding the average person’s swing problems. Thanks again, and I shall endeavor to follow this advice, which frankly is pretty simple since it occurs before the swing begins.

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