How Deep Is Your Swing Coming Down

By | on September 4, 2011 | 4 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

4 Responses to “How Deep Is Your Swing Coming Down”

  1. May 27, 2014


    HI Paul.

    Surprised there is no questions on this lesson because this is something that has puzzled me for a while now.

    Can I understand what you are saying is that unless I turn the body to the left or move the hips laterally my hands should come down on correct downswing depth as long as I keep my arms powerless ?

    • Paul,

      The mass (club) would always flatten towards 90 degrees to the axis (body) 100% of the time. This is simple physics and how I have cure thousands of swing planes without telling someone to swing to first base. Keep the arms turned off and start the lower first. If you do you will hit it dead straight.

  2. January 10, 2018


    This is a very important lesson for my golf swing. On the course, my bad shots are pulls with an occasional pull hook (especially with irons). When I see this happening, I tend to over-correct by using my lower body too much and then I start hitting pushes and push fades. I have this tip in my favorites (along with about 20 others) and I had kind of forgotten about it until I saw your recent tip on being laid off at the top. I need to get back to working on this for sure. Thanks for the recent tip that made me remember this one as well. One of the truly great things about your site is the ability to save tips to be able to go back and review previous lessons and also to easily search for different things that let you zero in on what you need at any given time. Everything is always explained completely and the slow motion tips are especially helpful to me.

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      January 10, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked that one. Yes, they go hand in hand so its a good thing you have them both.

      Be careful with over correcting. The legs should be hard and fast. I go about 80% to make sure I don’t hit it everywhere.

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