Defining Practice

By | on May 3, 2022 | 9 Comments | Array


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9 Responses to “Defining Practice”

  1. “Practice is about rehearsing the habits of success” I love this and sooo need to implement this kind of practice to help the mental implosions, physical tightness that result from a bad shot on the course. Thanks so much.

    • Hi Hollie,

      Thank you for your nice comments–YES–too many golfers practice the “wrong” things and forget to practice the habits of success…which will help you with your “implosions” 🙂

      Hit ’em smarter now!

  2. Very good definition of practise and very good idea to implement :to do so ,you have to have an image or series of images in your mind you may or have to copy .Looking intensely at videos of great players suvch as BEN HOGAN or GARY PLAYER is not enough .Do you teach self hypnotism to get ther ,where you rehearse in advance in your mind what you should acheive ?
    Can you give us a lecture on this method ,if you believe in it ?

  3. David,

    Thanks for the great tip. I have a big problem taking my range practice to the course. I will consistently hit good shoots at the range prior to my round and then become very inconsistent on the course. I know it is mental. Any suggestions?


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    August 16, 2013

    David Breslow

    Hi Mac,

    It is ALL mental.
    Identify what you are thinking on the range and think THAT when on the course!

  5. Avatar photo

    September 26, 2013


    Hi Mac,
    What happen in my mind or body when my game change from shooting a 80’s to 100 or more? I loose all my muscle coordination and mental focus and cant get back my game as much as I try. All the great tips that I have learned here have been working so well, but one once in a while disaster! I am no specialist to find the culprit of this total train reck. I am trying to find a doctor that can help me identify any physical factors, medications, diet, etc. I live in AZ and wondered if you can have any references of specialist in this state that can help me.

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    September 26, 2013

    David Breslow

    Hi Herminio,

    Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone in AZ. to refer you too!
    Good luck!


  7. January 30, 2018


    One most important aspect of success is too teach yourself an unwavering routine,identical from one shot to the next .

  8. Wonderful video David. If I could hit the ball whilst playing on the course like I do in practice, I reckon I could shave at least 9 shots on my average score. This tip just might be a key to unlock my nervous swing on the course to my very relaxed and much more impacful swing on the practice range…here’s hoping…..

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