Stop Being Laid Off At The Top Of The Backswing

By | on July 27, 2011 | 5 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

5 Responses to “Stop Being Laid Off At The Top Of The Backswing”

  1. Hi Paul! I have been practicing every day all of your fantastic drills and this is by far the best instruction ever. I wanted to contact you and let you know that as I was applying your tips in my backswing to cure my club from “laying off at the top” and I noticed something spectacular after looking in the mirror at myself. That is when I take the club all the way back (like you say) to the the top of my backswing, I simply point the butt of the grip directly to the right of me (for a right handed golfer) parallel to my target line and it puts me in a perfect position at the top! I think this is a fantastic “tip” you can add to one of your videos. Thanks again and I just wanted to point this out to you.

  2. July 12, 2013


    Hi Paul…love the message….I was reading in your book, and you shared that “when we are laid off, we tend to pull the ball, and when we are across the line at the top of our backswing, we tend to hit more in to out”…….can you please explain why this is the case?

  3. Im “nr 3”. Is is still causing pulls? I have that shot so will get this in the correct position now.

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