Copy My Swing Positions

By | on June 22, 2014 | 6 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

6 Responses to “Copy My Swing Positions”

  1. September 5, 2014


    Hi Paul, a quick one for you : working on your swing position I feel I have more solid cpntact finishing with my left foot flat on the ground. The downswing is about trampling with my left foot and I can finish with your touch the leg position. I feel myself very stable all over the downswing. Is that a correct feeling ?

    • September 6, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      I like the lead foot flat through impact then rolling onto the outside edge. This allows you to get onto the tip of the back toe with the legs touching. A flat lead foot throughout the swing may cause you to hang back on this back toe and typically you would need a stance wider than your shoulders to keep it flat throughout the whole swing ala Hogan. He was the only one flat on this foot throughout. I just find this stance too wide.


      Forward Foot:


      It’s Like A Throwing Motion:

  2. March 4, 2021


    I’m 73 years old and I had back fusion surgery L5 & S1 three years ago. I can’t physically touch my knees so I can’t do exactly like you.
    Should my swing still improve by coming closer but still not touching my knees?

    • You want to go to your maximum, if the maximum that your legs can touch would be still 5″ apart then that would be YOUR maximum. I like for the average golfer to touch because most people can do it, but since you have physical reasons not allowing you then going to a point that is not painful should be achievable.

  3. Ok, have not mastered all these moves, but moving towards that. I am 82 and have a 23 index. But yesterday I shot my age 82! Lowest score ever at this particular course I am still excited and think the page is slowly turning. Thanks for all your help. I know why I am improving..

    Dan Stites

  4. March 7, 2021


    It seems to me that when I make swings with the club off the ground that I make “perfect” swings in that I feel my end positions (eg legs touching, club position is parallel and touching behind my head and most importantly in balance) are achieved. My problem is replicating those positions when I am hitting the ball.
    your comments and suggestions would be appreciated.

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