Checkpoints – Starting Down

By | on February 24, 2022 | 12 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

12 Responses to “Checkpoints – Starting Down”

  1. February 24, 2016


    I know the front knee turns behind the ball in the backswing, but does the back knee turn too. I’m trying to keep my back knee stable pointing straight ahead in the backswing. is this wrong? When you say the knees turn 22 degrees it must be because the movement is all in the front knee.

  2. February 24, 2016


    GREETINGS COACH Thanks for the feedback It was a strange feeling going to 45 degrees, it just didn’t feel right at first,felt like “no way this is going to generate enough power”. I’m still inside the house and have not yet “let a ball get in the way” but you have not led me astray yet so I will keep working on the 45degree turn. THANKS ps but I do feel my weight on the instep of my right foot.

    • February 24, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Just remember. In the backswing you are coiling up and setting the backswing. Then uncoiling the other way to get the power.

      Yes, you are coiling and loading into the back instep.

  3. February 24, 2016


    Well, never really liked/understood the explanation for the massive head drop in the downswing, namely the “result of acceleration of hip rotation like pushing the accelerator on a Ferrari”. Rather, we now have the reason for the vertical lowering of the head to be the result of the backward tilt of the spine which results in the divot being taken. However, divots are not taken using a driver. So is the spinal tilt not as severe with the driver relative to the irons?

    Later, Ken (the Wilson disciple for RI)

    • February 24, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      The driver is longer. That means it is swinging more horizontally so it will not enter the ground. Think of a 50foot driver. No way would it take a divot. It would not be vertical enough to do so.

  4. February 24, 2016


    I really like this whole “check point” series. I know there will be members that feel they are too long or give too much information, but I sure don’t feel that way. It’s great that you will take the time to really make things clear in my opinion. Very well done. Thanks.

  5. February 24, 2016

    Bill Freeman

    Great summary, Paul. Really helpful. Thanks,

    Bill Freeman

  6. September 21, 2016


    Hi Paul,
    I am working on the starting down position .In the video from front and side views your forearms are both parallel to the ground . From the front view the back arm is hidden behind the front arm.
    Even allowing for camera heights to be a bit different I simply can’t duplicate this .
    So I looked back at the dash board swing positions and in those videos the right arm is considerably below the left which is more like I look . Also it looks as if in the latest videos you are bending over more.
    Is this something that should concern me and if so what is the fix? Cheers.

    • September 21, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      This varies with the length of the club. Here I am hitting 7 iron. If you look at driver you can clearly see the elbow.

      Watch this tip:

      DRILL: Stop Coming Over The Top:

      I get this by not hitting with my arms. If I don’t hit the back arm tucks.


      2 Things Flatten the Plane:

      Didn’t think I was bending over more. I still do not clearly see my toes at set up. I am very aware of this over every shot. I you can’t clearly see your toes at set up you should be in good position.

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