Cause and Effect – Holding Lag Angle Too Long

By | on November 24, 2017 | 9 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

9 Responses to “Cause and Effect – Holding Lag Angle Too Long”

  1. October 30, 2014


    Paul: Do you have a view on the use of the “long thumb” of the left hand to promote loose wrists and the ability to get lag?

  2. October 31, 2014


    Hi Paul;
    A little off topic here, but I often hear people speak of “pulling” the club down from the top. Should there actually be any pulling or should the arms just fall naturally? It seems that if you pull the club, your grip pressure would tighten & possibly cause arm hitting.

  3. October 31, 2014



    This is my last day as a member of Ignition golf. I have very much enjoyed your videos and commentary. I have been a member for a year and have reviewed all of your videos, have taken extensive notes, set up a net in my backyard and have practiced your techniques for hours. My playing results have shown some improvement but my understanding of the swing and its dynamics have been significantly enhanced because of your instruction. I know the how and why of a good swing but I’m still having issues with the execution (it is difficult to change 40 years of grooving a reverse pivot and chicken wing).

    Anyway, I will continue to apply your teachings and work harder at execution.

    Thanks for a wonderful experience.

    Mitch Bryk

    • October 31, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you tried out the site. Let us know if you want to come back in the future.

      Glad you have some good thought of what to work on. Keep in mind I want certain positions and I want you to be able to do them exactly right on your own. This means you should be checking the positions and making them perfect (just look for the feedback in each position). Playing for 40 years does pose a problem. To get around this make sure you are doing lots of practice swings. This way you are not just beating golf balls. As I have said many times in the past, it is about the movement, not the ball. Perfect movement gives you perfect shots. So keep working on the positions, keep working on powerless arms and keep working on powering your swing with your legs and hips. If you do you will be working on the right things and will keep seeing improvement into the future.

      All the best.

  4. October 31, 2014


    You speak about holding the lag in this drill. In a normal swing do you really ‘hold the lag’ . I thought you shoul have loose wrists and get lag in that way. If you hold your wrists in a bended way you have to tighten your wrists. Please explain.

    • October 31, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      You are purposely holding the lad angle if you are working on lag angle. I am not purposely holding this because I worked on it many years ago. If you are not lagging it do the lag drills constantly until your wrists loosen and you see some lag. Then with loose wrists you would turn your body which would compress the lag angle on its own. It would then release due to the club trying to swing to its widest point after the ball is hit.


      Does Turning Off Arms Create Lag?

      How to Feel Lag:

      How To Feel Lag 2:

      There are tons more lag tips. Just search the red navigation bar. Go to SWING TIPS > FULL SWING > DOWNSWING > LAG

  5. October 31, 2014

    Steven D

    This is a great tip. In the past, when I’ve try to “hold” the lag angle, my results have been extremely erratic at best. Being conscious of a specific release point, if you can call it that, seems to give me a little more “pop” without significantly affecting the direction of my shots. I only practiced it for a little while this morning, but it seems quite promising. I assume that, once it becomes second nature, I should forget about it and return to the fundamentals.
    Another question, not related to this specific tip: I think I tilt my head down too much in order to be able to see the ball in my glasses. If I try to duplicate your posture, the ball is out of focus below the rim of my glasses. However, in the last couple of days, I’ve found that focusing on the out-of-focus ball has actually helped me keep my attention on the ball a little bit longer, resulting in some very nice shots. Does that makes sense? Surely you’ve had experience with this issue with other students.
    Many thanks.

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