You Cannot Stretch It Out with Tight Arms

By | on September 21, 2018 | 8 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

8 Responses to “You Cannot Stretch It Out with Tight Arms”

  1. Avatar photo

    April 13, 2016


    Paul, when Hank Aaron played baseball, he hit all his HR with his strong wrists. I think it takes a lot of practice as to when to flick your wrists on impact. I’ve only been able to do it some time. But because of my age, I can’t practice like I could 30 yrs. ago. I see what you mean.

  2. September 23, 2018


    I tried this drill and then played with the thought of maintaining loose arms and had the best ball striking round of the year. I normally hit several pulls and hooks when I play but loose arms caused these problems to go away. I think that tight arms caused me to flip the club closed with my hands. Thanks

    • Avatar photo

      September 24, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Very good. You have to keep them turned off. As much as I say it people keep hitting. It is just understanding it and getting used to different feelings. I think some people try it 5 times and because they don’t hit it great right out of the gate they give up and go right back to something that doesn’t work. This is new and different. Got to keep doing it until you get good at it. You have now experienced it so you know it works. Keep at it.

  3. October 18, 2018



    This drill makes a lot of sense for me, except one part – I don’t fully understand how to reconcile rolling over my wrists with extending the arms past the golf ball. Is there a knack to extending the arms (as in this drill), but at the same time rolling over the wrists early in the swing?



  4. August 20, 2021


    My club practice range has artificial turf practice mats, in your view is this a disadvantage as it’s not possible to take a divot, the club head tends to bounce off the mat.
    Should seek out an alternative practice area with natural turf.

    Jack Dunstone

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      August 21, 2021

      Paul Wilson

      If its the only option you have then this is the only thing to practice from. You want to be practicing from real grass if you can. But you can get a false sense of reality from fake grass. Also, since there is not much give from fake grass it can give elbow injuries.

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