Bump or No Bump?

By | on January 24, 2013 | 15 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

15 Responses to “Bump or No Bump?”

  1. January 25, 2013


    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for clearing up the confusion on “bump”. It needed clarification:

    I do have a general question. I noticed your method advises coil, uncoil with a slight lateral movement and then turn. However no where did I hear advice to pivot or rotate on an axis on the rear leg and then on follow thru to pivot on front leg. Please explain as I think pivot is an important part of the golf swing. Thank You Paul.

  2. January 25, 2013



    I have purchased the swing speed radar with tempo. What is the best way to use it? Thanks. Chris

    • January 25, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      You want to keep the Swing Speed Radar in your bag. You test yourself initially to see how fast your swing speed is. You then work on your swing positions and every now and then you take it out and check to see if you are increasing it. It is not about trying to get the thing up a high as you can every time you practice for hundreds of balls. This will lead to hitting with the arms. Just take your time with it and use it wisely.

      For tempo you can use this every time you are working on your full swing to try to keep the pace of your swing constant. My tempo is approx. 1.2 seconds.

  3. January 25, 2013



    Thought I would share a few thoughts:

    I’m a 6 index golfer and three years ago I was a 20+. This year I hit a wall where I would have great mid 70’s rounds and then rounds where my ball striking was horrible. I’ve taken a lot (really) of golf lessons from fine teachers. Your methodology has awakened an understanding to ball striking that I really did not understand.

    Most professional golfers turn their hips at 3+ miles per hour. The average amateur turns his hips at 1 mile per hour. Each mile increase equates to a 25 mile per hour increase in swing speed. The separation of the lower and upper body is critical in developing speed as you point out (this is the X factor). The moment I forgot about powering my swing with my arms, I slowed down my back swing and shortened the back swing. The result is an incredible increase in accuracy, distance and tempo. If you follow Paul’s swing method, you will compress the ball better than you ever have – I have video prof from my own swing for comparison.

    I work on hip turning exercises 3-4 times a week. I believe that the primary limitation in hip turns is mostly hard wired in our brains as opposed to muscle development. I think the best start for anyone learning your system would be to work HARD on the hip rotation exercises you discuss. The rest will come as you learn this swing.

    Todays lesson is great, don’t bump the hip, slide it, just turn it fast. Thanks for bringing these valuable tips to my game.

    • January 25, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      Thank you very much for your thoughts and experience with my method. As you found out, it really does work. It just takes time and practice on using the legs and hips versus the arms. People really have to learn how to swing the opposite to what they have been doing. Once they get that it becomes a whole new world.

  4. November 4, 2013


    Hi Paul

    I’m not writing this comment to complain, I’m writing it to help you, get some new information, so you can incorporate it into your future videos. Hope it’s okay.

    Dopler radars, high speed cameras, computers and robots, have over the last 5 – 8 years, showed us, how the shaping of a golfball really happens. There are a lot of old myths out there still, as the one you talk about in this video, where you say, that if you where to rotate the club through impact, it would cause the ball to hook. That is NOT correct (If anything, it would make the ball fade). You have many videos (very resent ones even), where you refer to these old (wrong) myths, so I would recommend that you start out by watching this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-89M1vt66FA . And more videos from Trackman maestro, Joseph Mayo, and also go to Trackmans website, and read some of the many many poplications they have done about their findings.

    Hope you find it helpfull in your future teaching. I know your students will 🙂

    Regards Henrik

    N.B. Joseph Mayo teaches in Las Vegas, so maybe you could just go meet up with him, and have a talk about this.

    • November 5, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      Thank you for the comment.

      I know all about the new plane versus old plane.

      I guarantee if you roll the face over the ball will hook I prove this every day. Then to change the direction you simply get the body to start turning before the club come down. I prove this every day too. This is not me just saying it. In my Virtual Golf School videos series I had 9 slicers that we filmed who I had never met. I cured all slices with the shortest time being just over 2 mins. and the longest was 13 mins. I did this by getting them to over-hook it then got them to move their body first to start the swing.

      What you are not seeing or being told is that:

      First, the best golfer of all time (Jack Nicklaus) drew and faded the ball using old ball flight laws (as well as many other best players of all time). So if the old ball flight laws did not work this would not be possible.

      Next, they say the face determines the direction of the shot which is not true. It determines 85% of the direction of the shot “at 2:53 of the video he says you can guarantee the clubface was ALMOST responsible for that direction.” This is vital because it is not determining 100% of the shots direction. So if the path was swinging left and the face was square the ball would still start left due to the 15% difference. This means it would fade back on target given a swing to the left. So swinging left with the face square will create a fade as I have proven many times over. Reverse for a draw.

      Finally, your average golfer has no concept of this and for me to explain it will only leave them more confused. I want it to be simple so I get results. Working solely on body rotation and release works and it is simple enough for anyone to understand. If it was good enough for Jack as well as many other top pros it is good enough for the average player.

      So I thank you for bringing it to my attention but I will continue to do what I do.

    • Way to confuse things Henrik 😉

  5. September 24, 2014


    Referring to THE comments above ( Henrik,Douglas ) ,I feel they are ” overcooking THE broth ” .What you ,Paul ,teach is simple and consiistent ,and it works :I may have gone a step further IN the simplification ,now I have mastered THE forward hip rotation and THE “POWERLESS Arms ” concept ,by “firing ” every thing together when I am sure I am at THE top OF m’y backswing ( I have to be ” aware ” OF it!).M’y aim is to have THE entire golf club swinging smoothly by itself .I don’t givre a dam n for anything else!

    • September 24, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      It is simple. As showed in a previous tip if you have ever thrown a ball you have done this. It is the same move. Do you think bump when you throw a ball? No. You turn and shift getting to the forward leg. It is mind boggling that people make this so complicated. I guess it’s not. I used to do the same thing. I finally understood it and what I needed to do once I made it simple.

  6. September 25, 2014


    Paul ,I fullly agree with you :when throwing any object IN front OF you ,a left wrist punch,a javelin .a Weight ,a tennis racket ,a golf club ,your only important move is to move forwards .So when I mentioned THE ” bump ” I really meaned moving ENERGETICALLY FORWARDS .

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    November 18, 2014


    Hi Paul, this tip was very good and I especially appreciate the comments you provide as followup of the current point as you move to the next point in the instruction. It anchors that part for me and makes it easier to repeat and incorporate into my execution. I liked the demonstrations wherein you show the weight distribution, what happens when it isn’t balanced, where it should be when it is right, and why it works well when the steps are put together.

    • November 18, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      Yes, I never liked people bumping. Bumping is sliding. Sure, this may help coming over the top a little but then you end up hitting pushes and push fades. Keep at it.

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