Bottom Up Exercise

By | on June 28, 2017 | 2 Comments | Array


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2 Responses to “Bottom Up Exercise”

  1. October 31, 2013


    G’day Jeremy,
    I have been doing something like this for years. I use a around 7 kg weight in each in each hand and alternate the lift for a count of 20 each side.

    Is it essential to only do one side at a time?

    I have never thought to try using the weight in a vertical position, looks interesting and, as you say, would increase the difficulty.

    • Hey Ben,
      Good to hear from you. It’s not essential to do one side but if I were to suggest something it would be to mix it up a bit. Meaning, some days do one arm until fatigue, some days alternate arms, some days use a different kind of weight like a kettle bell or the alternate hold I was showing in the video. The kettle bell type is the most traditional Bottom Up as it works the wrist in a flat, or neutral, position. Keep up the good work.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

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