Already Ready To Fire Lower Body

By | on February 2, 2018 | 32 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

32 Responses to “Already Ready To Fire Lower Body”

  1. Paul,
    Forgive me if I’m being redundant, but this tip raises again a question I posed in response to another tip: What are your thoughts about using two triggers, simultaneously? I find I get my best results when I think simultaneously about straightening my forward, right leg (I’m a lefty), and coming around with my left knee and touching my legs. If I try to do only one, the other does NOT happen “automatically.” It just seems more comfortable, and more effective for me to visualize getting ready to do the ENTIRE lower body move you teach, as I’m coiling back, rather than just one trigger. Should I stick with this approach if it seems to be working?

    • Gary,

      I kind of answered this in the previous questions. No matter which trigger you use the others need to happen as well. Whatever it takes to do that is fine.

      You need to be repeating this on a nightly basis. If it were me learning this I would have done it 1000 times per night and in 3 days I would have mastered it but I know to work on things this way and that as you keep repeating it it becomes easier and natural.

      How many swings in the air have you done with Driver? This takes the ball out of the picture and gets you feeling and using the legs. Need to do this tens of thousands of times as well.

  2. Hi Paul,
    In the forward swing there is a discernable pause in my hip movement ( like they are waiting for my arms to catch up)
    No matter how hard I try I can’t stop this happening . Perhaps you have come across this before and have a fix or at least some suggestions?

    • Ian,

      You are not hitting anything with your arms. Your arms are connected to your body. So if you turned your body your arms would follow. So yes, the arms lag behind but not too much. If it was too much you would be disconnected under your lead armpit. This is very rare and cause by driving the lower body too hard which if you are asking this question you are not doing.

      Keep in mind, you are not good at using your legs and hip so you need to work on it way more. You have had a lifetime of hitting with arms. I have had a lifetime of using my legs and hips. So you need to do the 2 drills below literally tens of thousands of times to get good at using your legs:

      DRILL: Listen to Club Swinging:

      DRILL: Swing Up with Driver:

      With the club in the air there is no ball to hit. Turn off your arms and feel the legs and hips making the club swing.


      It’s An Unmistakable Feeling In Your Legs:

      Understand that when you fire your lower body your whole upper body will hang back. It’s like hitting the accelerator on a car. You cannot use the legs and hips and immediately shift on the forward leg. This would produce a feeling of using the legs but you would still be way over the top.


      2 Things Flatten the Plane:

      Also, throw balls over hand to get the feeling. There is no way your whole body would lean forward if you threw a ball. It would hand back 100% of the time. This is the same move in golf and you have already done it. You just need to transfer it to practice swings. Then your real swing.

      It’s Like A Throwing Motion:

      DRILL: Stop Coming Over The Top:

      You need to be constantly doing this drills. This means every night. I would be doing it 500-1000 times per night but that’s just me wanting to get it fast. You do what you can. It needs to be at least 25.

  3. May 15, 2016


    Greetings Coach just before I feel like the backswing has reached its fullest i say to myself “TURN.” I am saying turn before the backswing is complete. I feel that because there is such a short time between backswing and follow through, I want to be sure I get it started. What do you say? Thanks Coach.

    • John,

      That is great. If you say it a little early it takes a millisecond for your brain to react so that should be perfect timing.

  4. I am a little confused. When coiling, your shoulder will automatically turn your hips, is the same principle applies to the downswing by turning your hips your arms and shoulders moves?.
    I may be doing this trigger backward, my trigger is don’t grip the club thigh, when I am fully coiled my hips turn with no problem.

  5. Hi Paul,
    i think i am having a timing issue, but it may be other issues too. i am really working on getting my lower body restricted (i was too loosey-goosey before), but now i get fat shots because i think i don’t get onto my left foot or maybe trying to hit it with my arms which are trying to catch up with my hips. OR i top it which is either chicken wings or coming up to soon. Will these maladies go away with practice? i thought i had them beat down, but with the restricted lower body, they are showing up again. i know what you teach is correct, because when i do it correctly the ball really comes off the club better and goes farther. i think that mostly occurs when i really try to slow down; again that is timing. Any other thoughts/tips i could watch?

    • Terry,

      You will get fat shots working on stabilizing the lower body. This is because you are thinking about stabilizing the lower body you are not even thinking about firing the lower body to hit the shot. This is exactly what I am saying to everyone. Working on the swing means you are working on the swing. In this case you were working on stabilizing the lower body. Once you master that then you think about firing the lower getting you off of the back foot at impact. The goal right now is to stabilize the lower. So just keep working on that and that only. Forget the ball. Tee it up so you give yourself a little room for error. Do tons of practice swings at night. This shouldn’t even take the long. Once you get it add “touch the legs’ and you will start hitting it better.

      Focus. It’s about the movement. Perfect movement = perfect shots.

  6. Thanks Paul. That is such an important and germain comment. i go to the range trying to master one aspect of the swing, but then i watch the ball’s path to see where i am making mistakes, and voila, i’m off on a tangent and have wasted my time at the range. Thanks again.

    • Terry,

      So master one thing at a time. Then you will not be wasting your time. Forget the ball. It is about building a great swing. Focus.

  7. Paul,
    I am using the pre-trigger of thinking “hips” in the 3 o’ clock position of my backswing. On my practice mat, I find that I don’t brush the mat on my swing. Out on the golf course, I top the ball too much. I find that if I move the ball back in my stance to short of the bottom of my pendulum that I consistently hit the mat or the ball. Is moving the ball back okay? How can I fix the problem? Thank you.

  8. November 16, 2016



    Are there drills you can give us to increase the speed of our hip turn and swing speed of the club. Presently my swing speed is about 70mph. I am 72. I think average for golfers is eighty from what I read.

    Thank you,


  9. Hi Paul.

    There was a drill where you placed an old tee 2 feet in front of the ball and hit with the driver over the marker tee, this fixed my horrific slice that I have now redeveloped can you help here please.

    Cheers Steve.

  10. Avatar photo

    February 2, 2018


    I’m completely sold on trying this. While standing in front of the PC watching this video, I made a practice swing *without* a club (so, a little unbalanced), using the “push off the back toe” trigger, and turned with so much speed, I almost fell over forward onto my face!

  11. February 3, 2018



    I am curious as to whether you have tried the other triggers you mention.Are they just as effective for you regarding distance. I use straighten the left leg trigger, but it seems like your trigger off the back foot would get you into throwing the ball motion and good weight transfer. For me left leg trigger works better.

    Great tip. As others have noted trying to start the downswing before the backswing is completed is difficult. Other drill to practice that timing.


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      February 4, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      I have tried the other triggers but I don’t like them (expecially the left leg). I am very right sided so I don’t like thoughts that are not from this side. Plus, I have done it since I was probably 16 so getting me to do it differently is tricky and would not be as effective. This is not to say everyone shouldn’t be trying them all and no trigger is better than another. It’s just what you like and what you feel you can do the best.

      Glad you liked the tip. Thanks.

      You do not have to move in 2 directions at once. Set the backswing … get power in the down and through swing.

      The Importance of Setting the Backswing:

  12. February 3, 2018


    I find I can do the touch the knee and touch the head fine in practice swings. However when trying to hit a ball I get the knee position but stop well short of the touch the head position.

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      February 4, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      This is because you are thinking of hitting the ball and not the position. Slow down. Forget the ball. Focus only on doing the positions at as slow as it takes to do them right. Tee up your ball too. Keep doing it this slow. Yes, you will hit the ball 30 yards but you don’t care about the ball you care about the positions and building a great swing. This is how pros think. Build the swing you get the ball.

      DRILL: Do It Right at 1MPH

      Everyone wants to keep whacking balls and looking for good shots. This is the hardest thing I have to get people to overcome. It is not about the ball. It is about the movement. So think like that and you will get it. If you can’t do both positions do 1 of the two. If you cannot do the touch the legs first do the touch the head position then do the touch the legs. Whatever it takes.

  13. February 3, 2018


    I find that concentrating on the left leg during the back swing, when it kicks toward the right leg during the weight transfer, acts as a reminder that it straightens to start the downswing. This prevents me from being too quick when all hell breaks loose during the transition.The latter happens usually on the first hole and often beyond when, despite knowing all the moves and positions my body just does it’s own thing.

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      February 4, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      The left leg/knee is important in the backswing so thinking about this is fine for now anyway. In the future you might want to really isolate the center core (your body). See it as a spring. Think you don’t even have arms. You coil … you uncoil. Keep thinking like this and you start forgetting all about hitting. The spring is consistent. So at some point start focusing on it and see what happens.

  14. February 8, 2018


    Wonderful stuff Paul. I’m using your “feel the heel” as trigger as well as to avoid fat shots. I didn’t have one that worked consistently well, until I saw that fat cure. It seems to work for both. Thanks for offering the extended 30-day trial of lessons with the Body Swing purchase.

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      February 8, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked it. Thanks.

      Fixing fat shots is simple yet I have had students that tell me they have hit fat shots for years. Got to know the fixes otherwise you will be wasting your time and getting frustrated trying to figure it out.

  15. I really love your vision and description of the golf-swing.
    Just one thought on how ” firing the legs ” effects my swing.
    When i go for the ” touch the legs ” I find that my shoulders and my Torso turn as well thus causing a severe pull as my arms have nowhere else to go but inside the line. Ball spin is then determined by club face position.
    I have tried to limit upper body rotation but I find that when I do that the bottom of my swing is way before ball position thus causing topped shots.
    I realize it is well nigh impossible to say what is wrong but im hoping that you may have seen this in one of your students over the years.


  16. October 24, 2018



    This is a great tip. In looking at video of my swing, it is much improved from a year ago after applying your swing principles to my game. However, my distance still isn’t consistently what I think it should be if I’m doing things correctly. I was an old, long-time slider, like you, having been taught that way. It made it a bit difficult to get the left leg locked so I settled on locking the left leg as my downswing trigger. In looking at videos of my swing, I am getting some forward hip angle at impact (maybe 10-15 degrees – better than my old zero but still not enough). My right heel is still way too flat, yet I am straightening my left leg (perhaps too late as you’ve shown on some videos). Would I possibly benefit from working toward your right-toe dig & drive (or right knee push) as my downswing trigger to get that heel up and get more lower body drive? You noted that you added 50 yards when you mastered it. I’d settle for 25.

    I hope you don’t get tired of hearing it but Ignition Golf and Paul Wilson Principles are totally awesome! Keep up the great work!

    Mike Barrett
    Pasco WA

  17. Avatar photo

    November 13, 2019


    Paul: I hit some of the best shots off a tee on par trees. Not as many off the turf due to the hit reflex

    Any thoughts?

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