Alignment – Alternative Way To Check It

By | on August 18, 2017 | 18 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

18 Responses to “Alignment – Alternative Way To Check It”

  1. Can you also use this to help with putts? The key would be to know how far left of the cup you should be given the length of the putt. I am going to try it, but just curious on your thoughts. Heading to Branson Mo to get out of the Wisconsin freezing temps, 36 degrees for a high today, so hoping to get a couple of rounds in Branson


    • Randy,

      You sure can use it with putts. I will probably do this tip later.

      • Paul ,if you stand with your eyes over the ball and the putting Line ,you’re all fixed :all you need is to put your feet ( heels )parall

  2. Paul,

    General comment – I have one of the swing speed monitors. Therefore, I can see the impact of various swing changes and the impact on speed. The issue is that the loose swings driven solely by my hips are pretty slow. No matter how hard I drive my hips, I cannot come close the the speed I can gain by using all my power sources. I can barely break 90 mph with “loose swing” but I can do 105-108 easily with a whole body swing. That’s a big difference in speed and resulting distance.

    This is also contradictory to the idea that loose and low effort is fast. The meter does not lie. You’ll probably say that speed will come, but I’ve been at this for a couple of years now and the loose swing for my long clubs just are not fast enough.

    Could I just be limited by slow hips? If so, it’s a tough pill to swallow that I can only drive the ball 220 yds when I am used to 250+. I’m just not ready for the forward tees.


    • Paul,

      You are not doing it right because as you see I can get to 116 and a slow, easy looking swing. With nothing I can get it to 96 mph. There are little kids and petite people that can hit it 250+ so it is obviously not strength. It is technique.

      So many people think they are not using their arms when really they are using their arms. If you are not maintaining your lag angle, taking a divot, compressing the ball, chicken winging it, hitting it in on the right launch angle etc. you are using your arms.

      So many people think they are driving their legs and hips fast when they are not even close. You could be not developing the necessary torque, not shifting your weight as you turn, not straightening the lead leg, not doing the drills I just posted tonight etc. All of these things would add up to you not turning fast enough.

      So you need to be working on hinging your wrists and not losing this angle in the downswing by trying to hit. You also need to turn your body way, way, way faster than you currently are. If you cannot turn any faster then yes that’s all you’ve got.

      So what to do? If it was me and I had been working on it for 2 years I would be getting a video golf lesson so we could check to see exactly where the power loss is coming from and what I could do to get it. We do offer this service. As much as I would love to do this for free if I do one of these for free I would have to do it for everyone and my life, as well as my assistants, would be consumed with analyzing people’s swings all day. So we do charge for it but it is reasonable enough for people to afford it. Go here for more info:

      Next, you can go back to whacking at it to get your speed up. As you do make sure you do the positions exactly right. If you do you will be building a great swing. Hitting will make you inconsistent because you will be manipulating the face. So focus on perfect positioning and I would think in the future this will give you an overall better looking swing which at some point in the future will allow you to turn your arms back off while still doing it at a reasonable speed. Also, pay attention to where the ball is going. As you do, you will be able to diagnose what you need to do to get your ball back on line.

      Here are the cures. You just have to watch your ball to determine what is not working:

      Learning the Setup Routine:

      How to Cure the Direction:

      How to Cure the Spin:

      How to Cure the Contact:

      How to Cure Spin and Direction Problems:

      The choice is yours.

  3. Dear Paul ,
    The best practical alignment tip I’ve ever seen .At home ,when I practise your swinging tips ,I always have three alignment rods ,a ” trough “surrounding the (Supposed )ball position ,,One behind the heels (measuring the distance between the heels and the alignment )and a fourth One at right Angles to the three first to indicate the position of the (supposed ) ball (I never hit a ball )
    That’s how a became so consistent and straight in my hitting the ball .
    But sometimes ,I become “sloppy “and lazy ,and I don’t really Check the alignment ,out of facility .
    So I shall utilize your tip with the right forearm pointing down the Line .
    Never saw this excellent tip before ,I use d ,sometimes to extend the left arm towards the left of the target ,but it’s Less pr

  4. Hi paul
    I’ve noticed that when I turn my front foot out like you say it plays havoc with my aim
    Any tips for this??
    Many thanks

  5. Paul today I got it loose arms wrist hinge I was hitting my 7 iron 165 with out trying legs and turn surly helped. I’ll keep at it until it becomes 2nd nature. Sure took a long while but boy when you get it its awesome. Thank you and keep it coming.

    • Avatar photo

      August 20, 2017

      Paul Wilson


      Good stuff. I love it when people get it. Funny how some people think they can’t get it. It is a different though and difference feeling. Just got to let go and stop hitting.

  6. A clever tip to use on the golf course, Paul.So after the JACK NICKLAUS way ,the BEN HOGAN method ,we have the PAUL WILSON trick :impossible not to shoot at your target then!

  7. February 10, 2018


    great alignment tip for playing on the course, like it much better than previous one…

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