Advancing Your Lateral Hip Stability

By | on April 10, 2024 | 8 Comments | Array


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8 Responses to “Advancing Your Lateral Hip Stability”

  1. January 23, 2013



    Are the hips, pelvis and torso dependent or interdependent of the shoulders?

    • Hi Michael,
      Simple, yet complicated question. I would have to say the answer is both (if you’re referring to rotation). When we test players, including professionals, we test their ability to have independence, or dissociation, of the upper body rotation (shoulders) from the lower body rotation (hips/pelvis) and visa versa. This independence can only occur within the limits of a players spine rotation flexibility. Beyond that though, when we look at 3D data on tour players we notice on the backswing that their “shoulder turn” eventually ‘drags’ the hips into rotation. Tour averages of Torso Rotation in the backswing are just under 90 degress and the Pelvis Rotation is around 40 degrees. So, you could say for the first ~50 degrees of their Torso Rotation they are independent, but for the next 40 degrees they are dependent upon each other. Similar ‘dependent’ actions occur on the downswing as the lower body initiates the movement, torso next, arms third and club head last, i.e. kinematic sequence. Sorry for the complicated answer but this kind of stuff goes right to the heart of “proper” golf fitness training. Good discussion material… thanks.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. September 26, 2014


    Thank you. I have added the lateral hip exercise and the super mans into my routine. Burned at first, am getting stronger. Just returned from annual golf outing ( 4 rounds in 3 days).

    I could really tell the difference, particularly 4 th round. You have helped me be a better golfer!!

    I recommend ignition golf to all my golf friends.

  3. November 24, 2016


    Thank you Jeremy for your great tips.
    I am also interested in learning more about fascia and microfiber reduction to inhance rotation.
    Can one self perform this and is there info/books available? Do you perform the.reduction?

    • You’re very welcome. You’ve done your research I see. Fascia and microfiber reduction are great topics of conversation. Fascia is living tissue that at it’s most basic description could be categorized as the ‘skin’ to all of our body parts. It’s a complete link of fiber matrix inside our body. It’s made up of mostly water and it’s everywhere. It’s there to maintain structure and organization, provide protection, absorb shock, etc. Trauma to our bodies results in an inflammatory response to this matrix causing adhesions to surrounding tissue. These adhesions can eventually cause the body to work less efficiently. Adhesions look similar to a spider web or wet cotton candy. You could think of it like spackling a dry wall repair. The body repairs quickly but it repairs with fibers that go in many different directions than the tissue it covers, ie muscle fibers. Therefore, therapists like me do manual therapy techniques, like microfiber reduction to regain localized function where it may have been lost to some degree. I’ve done different forms of myofascial release my entire career with excellent results. It’s possible to self perform through massage techniques. Devices like high-grade percussion units, foam rollers and release balls try to address it. Techniques like cupping that got famous in the summer Olympics too. The ELDOA Method is also becoming more well known. These are all possible to do yourself but should be done only with the direction of a medical professional trained in their use. Many books exist of course…Fascia: the tensional network and The Endless Web are a couple of the more popular ones.

      Sorry for the long response… must be the coffee! Hope this helps.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

      • November 28, 2016


        Thank you for the sources, I will look further into this topic. It appears that ones range of motion can be significantly reduced by tthis scar tissue that builds up due to age, injury, surgery and apparently does not go away without some intervention. I understand that it is there to protect the muscle from further injury.
        Do you have an office in the LA area (as I live in the Santa Clarita area)? Thank you again for the info!

        • My pleasure. No office in the LA area anymore. Bay Area and San Diego are the only CA FitGolf locations. If you’re ever down here please reach out in advance. In the meantime, I’m positive you can find a great practitioner in your area with some research. Also, don’t underestimate the fact you can make changes on your own. Heat the tissue with warm-up activities or self-massage and stretch. Follow that with daily diligent light stretching for extended periods of time (3-15min) is a great way to make tissue changes. Please remember that ‘light’ and ‘long’ is the key and you WILL BE WEAKER for a small period of time in the tissue you stretch for long periods so please don’t do this right before any athletic activity. Ortho MD friend of mine made significant improvement to his chronic low back pain with daily 15min (each) hamstring stretches. They were extremely tight, like 30 deg off the table tight, and over weeks and months he was able to make enough improvement that his back pain was almost nothing. He was diligent and kept it light. He was always making the mistake of high intensity stretching… it made him worse. More intensity is not always better when it comes to stretching.

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