3 Questions In The Follow Through – Part 1

By | on September 17, 2015 | 22 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

22 Responses to “3 Questions In The Follow Through – Part 1”

  1. September 17, 2015


    I’m always being told to finish high. Is this good advice?

    • September 18, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      No, because where is “finish high.” The position needs to be exact so you can do the same swing every time exactly the same. So please do my exact follow through. If you do you will hit it better than you ever have in your life. I have taught this way for over 24 years and always get the same result. Well, 97% of the time anyway. Must be something too it with these results.

      • December 27, 2017


        Paul ,Some Tour Players finish very much in extension and high ,though this finish is not commmon nowadays .It seems some great players of the past finished higher than what we see today ,when the swings are more “compact looking ” .When you “finish high ” you get easily disconnected ,arms not working in sync with the body

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          December 28, 2017

          Paul Wilson


          That was due to the reverse C. This sliding action sends the arms and club high into the follow through. Now it is more rotational with no reverse C so the follow through is more around.

  2. September 18, 2015


    Paul. What prevents the club from getting to right position behind your head? Frequently my knees touch but the club is not in right position behind my head. Anything besides lack of powerless arms?


    • September 18, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Watch tonight’s tip. The club will not go there if your wrists are too tight. Make sure you are doing this position in a mirror manually setting it there. Once you do, it will go there on its own.

  3. September 18, 2015


    I am really starting to see some solid results with your swing have now notched my driver speed up to over 110 never thought that would be possible with this kind of swing
    However i still am having a little trouble with coiling
    I never seem to fell the stretch down my side i normally feel it down my lower back
    Is this from my hips moving to much?
    any tips on how to restrict them?
    i do some times fell a stretch or pinch in my left shoulder blade (leftie) is this correct
    Many thanks keep up the great work.

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    September 18, 2015


    The three questions are “Excellent” ones. Thank you so much! Got it – I will be asking those questions as I practice. Enjoying your material immensely. I do enjoy practicing, maybe even more than playing. Having a lot of fun with your material. Thank you Paul! So glad I found you. Huge fan!

    • September 18, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      They sure are good questions. So many people think the swing is over once the ball is hit. They couldn’t be more wrong.

      Glad you like the tips. Thanks.

  5. September 18, 2015


    Paul,My Golf teachers used to call this “the Photo Finish “:hold the finish position for few seconds after you’ve launched the ball on it’s way and until it lands and rollsto a stop.
    A question not related to this excellent video:is practising your swing with a baseball bat a drill you would recommend or not ?

    • September 18, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Exactly, hold the finish. Hold it if you are in the exact position though.

      A baseball bat would be too heavy. When you swing your clubs they would feel light which is the opposite feeling to what you want. Your clubs should feel heavy not light.

  6. Paul ,When you finish the throughswing as you show ,should you feel your back muscles taught ,mening you’ve gone as far as you can ?

  7. September 21, 2016


    One thing I’ve noticed about your swing (after watching it about 2000 times so far) is that your hands continue down the target line after you strike the ball. Watching myself in a mirror exposed the fact that I have not been doing that very well. My hands tend to come left very quickly.

    I tried concentrating on keeping my hands relaxed and continuing down the target line on the course the last couple of rounds and noticed that my directional accuracy improved.

    Thanks for your help.

  8. December 27, 2017


    Paul ,I think you showed at one time the “TAI CHI CHUAN “swing .Is this a good exercise to practice ?If so ,what you should endeavor to acheive ?

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      December 28, 2017

      Paul Wilson


      Not sure what you are referring to.

      • December 29, 2017


        Paul ,It’s the very,very slow motion swing :you go as slowly as possible through the sequential positions ,”dead slow”,so to say ,one full minute or so.It supposedly shows you where the weaker points of your swing are ,and therefore what you should do to correct them.I’m dubious of the interest of this exercise …

  9. December 30, 2017


    Paul ,When I was much younger ,the golf instructors would teach you the “loop “.
    Your club shaft and clubhead would make a figure in space looking like an eight :the club goes Outside or straight back- in the backswing and Inside in the downswing .
    I saw this another time in recent days ,but it’s been a long time I’ve shelved this unnatural move .I try to have the club stay on the same plane up and down ,that’s why i ‘ve gone more towards a “MOE NORMAN “swing with the club more afar from the body and more in line with the forearms .I see some Pro’s doing this also on the TOUR so I must not be completely wrong (I know you don’t like this position !)

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      January 1, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      They taught the loop because they were thinking the person was pulling it inside and coming over the top. So they reversed the loop to give the person the opposite feeling. Did it every help anyone? Not sure.

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