2 Things Flatten the Plane

By | on September 22, 2015 | 22 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

22 Responses to “2 Things Flatten the Plane”

  1. September 22, 2015


    1. Can you give me a link to a video on the one-piece takeaway, so I won’t bring it back inside–forcing the over the top move?

    2. Having asked that, do you have any comment on David Ledbetter’s “A-Swing” vertical takeaway and his suggested grip? Reminds me of Trahan’s stuff (whose site led me to you some few years ago).

    • September 23, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Very good. I want people to learn how to use it. That is why I created it.

      I really don’t know anything about it nor do I care. Vertical takeaway. Why? You would have to do that with your arms. Not good. How are you going to turn them off as you come down? I will check it out when I have time. Why not just tell people to not hit the ball with their arms? Oh, I’m doing that.

  2. September 23, 2015


    Great video. Is there a tip on where the butt of the club head should be (travels) on the downswing? Somewhat of a correlation between the club head and the butt on the down swing and follow through.


  3. September 23, 2015



    Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m keeping my right should back or still as I start the downswing by touching my knees. It seems to help any tendency to come over the top. Does that make sense? Thanks for the great website.

  4. September 23, 2015


    Is “manually tilting” similar to the “vertical drop of the arms” and “setting the club at the top” in that they all are ways to promote flattening of the swing plane in order to overcome hitting over the top?

    • September 23, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      If you drop your arms you would stay behind it and tilt so in a way they would be accomplishing the same goal. Remember, you only have 1/4 of a second to impact. If you are thinking drop when are you doing to turn? Might hit fat shots doing this too because you will be trapped on your back foot. You really need to learn what your body should be doing so think about this tilt too.

  5. September 23, 2015


    Oddly enough I pull my mid irons and wedges but hit most of my drives straight. I feel that this tip is the real key to getting the swing on plane.
    Going off to the range to concentrate on this area.
    You’re tips have transformed my game and even as very much a senior, have maintained my single figure handicap thanks to your tuition. Keep them coming.

  6. September 23, 2015



    Yup, this one is very good tip. I know you’ve explained it many times in others, but this one in particular with the headcover and the different hand positions really sends it home as to the ’causes’ of the undesirable shots/planes. Also, thanks for the reminder about sliding vs turning as that is sometimes pretty subtle to detect, but easily able to illustrate as the cure… 🙂


  7. September 27, 2015


    Hi Paul,

    The one thing I seem to struggle with while using your technique is my ball striking. Because my arms are powerless I don’t seem to hit the ball as clean. What would you suggest I do to work on this? My ball flight is way better then it’s ever been when I strike it properly.

    Thanks, Steve

  8. October 15, 2019


    Hi Paul what do you feel when you push for rotation ??? Also how do you personally start the rotation please advise
    I really struggle to rotate for some reason

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